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One company’s waste can be another’s raw material – PITS promotes circular economy in Pirkanmaa, Finland


Materials for circulation

Tampere University of Applied Science’s PITS-project started in November 2020 and will continue until the end of August 2023.

At the core of PITS-activities are the Finnish Industrial Symbiosis System (FISS) workshops organized with companies to develop industrial symbioses in Pirkanmaa area.

In the big picture, the project promotes the transition to a low-carbon economy and resource wisdom in Pirkanmaa and accordance with the goals of county program.

Materiaalitori / Material market

The Material Market promotes the utilization of waste and side streams by providing a meeting place where providers and users of recycled materials, can find each other. With the help of the material market, the aim is to collect the material flows generated in Finland in one place in more visible way, so the material ends up in useful use.

Go and leave your own announcement at Material Market and add the tag #FISSPirkanmaa to the end of the announcement text, so the project can see you.

Materiaalivirrat rahaksi

For companies

What do we offer for companies?

  • efficient circulation of side streams
  • workshops and joint development
  • forming symbioses

= growth of business and networks


Circular economy is not an option but a vital condition of life. It is an economic model that aims at the rational use of natural resources and well-being. Without a circular economy, it will be difficult for Finland to be a carbon neutral in 2035. Especially small and medium enterprises (SME) need help in developing circular economy solutions. The Pirkanmaa industrial symbioses (PITS) project answers to this.


Circular economy solutions are produced in different ecosystems. One of the well-known ecosystem operating models is the Finnish industrial Symbiosis System (FISS), which facilitates companies to produce “added value for each other by effectively utilizing each other’s side streams, technology, know-how or services”.

In Finland, FISS activities are coordinated by Motiva, which assembles a network of regional operators to connect resource providers and users in the field. The tools are the FISS workshops, where companies are sparred in identifying new synergy and business opportunities and their practical implementation, as well as finding partners.

Objectives and tasks

At the core of PITS-activities are six workshops organized with companies, the aim of these workshops is to promote the formation of new industrial symbioses and strengthen existing ones.


  • The goal is to use the material flows of the Pirkanmaa area efficiently
  • Promote a culture of joint development
  • Helps the formation of new industrial symbioses
  • Strengthen existing symbioses
  • Utilizes the strengths of regional research and innovation activities



The paper and packaging industry (forest industry), construction and the built environment, as well as supporting growth of business in the food industry and the start of a new service business that promotes the circular economy.

However, all companies are welcome to participate.


The end product of the project is the Finnish Industrial Symbiosis System (FISS) coordination model for Pirkanmaa for the continuous development of industrial symbioses.

Currently, FISS activities are underway in fourteen regions in Finland, but Pirkanmaa is without its own regional organization.


Pirkanmaa union

Sustainable growth and work 2014-2020 Finnish structural fund program, Action line 2. Producing and utilizing the latest knowledge and expertise, Specific objective 3.2. Development of renewable energy and energy-efficient solutions.