Co-creation for sustainainability: Ekothon 2 on 1-2.12.2021

Logo of Ekothon 2.

Ekothon2 is a co-creation workshop where we work in groups to develop ideas to help make real-life sustainability initiatives more successful. STUE project in Ekothon aims at developing a way for researchers and sustainability organisations to interact and collaborate in a meaningful way.

People who attend Ekothon2 will be able to choose between 6 different project groups. The projects span from very local sustainability grassroots initiatives to larger scale regional initiatives. The aim is to develop projects and funding opportunities that can help these initiatives achieve even more! If you take part is Ekothon2, you will help these initiatives but also gain experience and ideas that can inspire you in your work too.

What is your expertise? What are you passionate about? Have a look through the list and see what you would like to contribute to.

  1. Karkku library as a community centre
  2. Pirkanmaas co-operative cultural centres
  3. Pirkanmaas Doughnut coalition
  4. Korento Nature School and innovations in nature education
  5. Tampere University researchers collaborating at the grassroots 
  6. Pirkanmaan Kaarikoirat Ry and community in skateboarding

(Click the title for more information!)

Each group will be facilitated by experienced facilitators who will have been trained in the Ekothon method.

Target groups

Ekothon is meant for everyone! We particularly encourage people interested in sustainable development and working across disciplines and sectors in society. Maybe you have some of the skills/experience needed by the projects (see project descriptions), or maybe you are an innovative and imaginative person who would simply like to get involved. We would love municipal planners, politicians, artists, academics, entrepreneurs, activists and local business representatives to get involved!

Date and registration

For Ekothon2 to be a success, all participants need to dedicate 1st and 2nd December from 9.00-14.00. It is important that if you sign up for Ekothon2 that you can take part both days.

Ekothon will have a maximum of 80 participants.  Book you place latest on 5th of November here:

Ekothon will take place in ZOOM.

Ekothon is organised by

Pirkanmaan liitto, SITRA, STUE research community from the University of Tampere, ORSI-project, CircWaste-project and VTT.

If you have any comments or ideas about Ekothon, please do not hesitate to contact:

Read more about Ekothon here
Event information is also available in Finnish, here