Action Grant

STUE offers action grants for activities that strengthen multidisciplinary research on sustainable transformation of urban environments at Tampere University. The application is open once a year, in the beginning of Spring semester. Follow our news, Twitter and e-mail list to get informed!

The grant can be applied by research networks and groups, or student organisations based at Tampere University as well as individual TUNI researchers.

Activities funded by STUE Action Grant 2024

STUE Action Grant was granted for 14 activities

Sustaining life inside prison walls – Research visit of Yasmine Fakhry

Activities funded by STUE Action Grant 2023

Kestävä muutos kaupungeissa -podcastit

From Skate Parks to Granny Valleys: Exploring the Layers of Urban Care and Democracy in DRN workshops

Insights from Urban Sustainability: Historical persceptives workshop

Kaarikarkelot event celebrated and promoted communality in Tesoma Lifecycle Block

REPOSITORY: 49 Methods and Assignments for Writing Urban Places – Reflections from the book launch

STUE Action Grant granted for 9 collaborative activities in Spring 2023

Activities funded by STUE Action Grant 2022

Nuorten oivalluksia Tamperelaiset nuoret kestävän kaupungin rakentajina -ilmastopaneelista

Reflections on embodied moving in the city workshop

Promoting collaboration and dialogue through Democracy Research Network

Open guest lecture series: Urban political economy and sustainability on 21.9.-30.11.2022

Joined efforts towards green campus – Insights from biking and secret garden workshops

Urbanum and MESTA inter-city student excursion

STUE Action Grant was granted for 6 inspiring activities in Spring 2022

Previous calls

STUE Action Grant call 2024

STUE Action Grant call 2023

STUE Action Grant call 2022