Welcome to Thesis Market on September 11 at the City Centre Campus

Students in the Main lobby.

Are you looking for a topic for your Bachelor's or Master's thesis? Do you find urban sustainability issues interesting? Come to Thesis market on the 11th of September to meet stakeholders, find inspiration, ideas and cooperation opportunities! All Tampere Uni students and researchers are welcome to visit the market. You can also join us in an afterwork gathering that follows at 15–17 in Cafe Toivo. Welcome!

Time: 11.9.2023 at 10–15 + afterwork gathering at 15–17
Place: Main lobby, Main building at City Centre Campus (Kalevantie 4)
Registration: You are welcome to join the Thesis Market also without pre-registration. However, if you are participating in the afterwork event at 15–17 in Cafe Toivo, please sign up with this form by August 24, so that we know how many servings to have and can take dietary restrictions into account: https://forms.office.com/e/2ycJBSWB5Q

Thesis market provides opportunities to meet representatives that are specialized in urban sustainability from different perspectives, e.g. from the City of Tampere, Association of Finnish Municipalities, Council of Tampere Region, VTS-kodit, Demola, THL, Jälleenrakentajat, Settlement Tampere, and Tampere University research projects.

At the market stands, they will present their activities, ideas for research and opportunities for collaboration in doing thesis. You can also present and discuss the ideas you have in mind.  The discussions can offer inspiration or lead to collaboration. Maybe you will find a new research idea or refine the one you have. Or perhaps you will find an opportunity to use or gather interesting research data or to do your thesis as a commissioned work!

You are welcome to walk around the market and chat with presenters at a time that suits you best during the market time (10–15).

If you are a representative of a research project or organization and would still like to participate in the event as a presenter, please send us an email (alisa.vanttinen@tuni.fi and salla.e.jokela@tuni.fi), and we can still try and arrange a stand table for you.

The event is free and open for all Tampere Uni students & researchers. It is organized as part of the activities of the STUE (Sustainable Transformation of Urban Environments) profiling area in cooperation with the SUD (Sustainable Urban Development) degree program. Welcome to join us!  

Relaxed afterwork gathering in Cafe Toivo at 1517

Join also in a relaxed afterwork gathering that follows the Thesis Market at 15–17 in Cafe Toivo (in the Main building)! There you can continue discussions while enjoying a fresh salad menu. We wish to get pre-registrations for the afterwork gathering by 24.8. for organising servings. See registration form above.

More information:

Salla Jokela, salla.e.jokela@tuni.fi
Alisa Vänttinen, alisa.vanttinen@tuni.fi