Embodied Moving in the City workshop on 5.10.2022

FEMA artist group moving in city.
Image of FEMA collective by Karri Kaivo

Welcome to the workshop Embodied Moving in the City on 5 October at 17-21.

The workshop is organized by the Insurgent Spatial Practices research collective of Tampere University in collaboration with FEMA artist collective.

In this workshop, we will be employing performative methods to move together through an interesting urban environment and explore how, with our bodies moving in urban space, different kinds of knowledges about urban environments can be generated. At the same time, through our embodied experimentations, we will question and challenge the hegemonic power and regulatory function of spatialized policies and practices, which aim to order people in space and control who can move where and how.

Because this is a moving workshop and we will be predominantly outdoors, we suggest travelling light and wearing warm clothes. We will meet at 17.00 on the stairs/green terraces between the Verkaranta Arts and Crafts Centre, Pyynikin Brewhouse and the Original Sokos Ilves Hotel. The journey will conclude with a discussion on our shared experience indoors over dinner at Raina Café & Bar (the dinner is included upon participation on the workshop).

Register by 26.9.

The workshop is limited to 20 participants but is open to everyone who is interested. Participation is free of cost upon registration. Please register by 26 September 2022. We will send confirmation of your participation by 30 September 2022. More information on the workshop here.

The workshop is supported by STUE Action Grant and organized as part of Tampere Architecture & Design Week (TAD).

More information:

Doctoral Researcher Elina Alatalo, elina.alatalo@tuni.fi.