- 10:00 Coffee
- 10:10 Opening words: Liisa Häikiö (Dean of the Faculty of Social Sciences, TAU)
- 10:20 Keynote Hannah Saldert (Senior Lecturer at the Division of Urban Planning and Development, University West, Sweden)
- Title: “The paradox of affordable housing in the sustainable city: the case of Sweden”
- 11:00 Ilari Karppi (Administrative Sciences, TAU)
- 11:20 Annuska Rantanen (Architecture, TAU)
- 11:40 Anni Jäntti (Administrative Sciences, TAU)
- 12:00 Discussion & closing words: Antti Wallin (Social Policy, TAU)
Sign up! Max. 80 participants.
Organisers: Antti Wallin & Anni Jäntti