Workshop description
During the Participatory Futures Methods Workshop, participants will learn about the main theoretical underpinnings and fundamental concepts of Futures Studies and Foresight, and what kind of knowledge can be obtained with future oriented methods. They will gain an overview about the method combinations for research design and facilitation to consider when choosing the right approaches and methods. There will be hands on exercises to utilise methods like the Futures Wheel, Backcasting that are used in shorter workshop facilitation, as well as more advanced methods like scenario analysis, Causal Layered Analysis and Delphi that require longer processes.
This workshop aims to be relevant for participatory research, sustainable transformation, as well as to sharing lessons learned for engaging stakeholders and forming balanced expert representation, for example in Delphi method, and how to adapt methods to achieve certain goals. By introducing and testing these methods, participants are invited to consider how they could adapt and integrate them into their own research.
The workshop is led by Amos Taylor from Finland Futures Research Centre (FFRC).
Sign up by 19.8.2024
The workshop fits maximum of 25 participants. Registration is open for all Tampere Uni researchers and PhD students that work on themes related to sustainable transformation of urban environments (broadly understood). Please sign up by 19.8.2024 via email to
Venue: Linna building, room K113, Tampere Uni City Centre Campus
Date and time: 26.8.2024 at 9-15
9:00 Arrival.
9.15 Introduction Futures thinking, research and methods
10.30 Workshop begins testing Futures Wheel, then considering Backcasting and Scenarios
12:30 Lunch (45min for lunch, self paid)
13:15 Introduction to Delphi, cases and planning a Delphi study.
13:45 Coffee break (15 min)
14:00: Causal Layered Analysis, concept and testing by going through the layers.
14:45 Reflection, what tools are most interesting and relevant? How could you apply them? What similarities with other fields methods could they be combined with? Why researching futures matters?
15.00 Day ends
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