STUE method clinic on 26.1.2022: Vignette methodology

STUE method clinic online on 26.1.2022

Welcome to learn and discuss about vignette methodology on 26.1.2022 at 12.30-16.00! The STUE method clinic workshop will provide an overview of vignette methodology as well as examples on how it has been used in previous research. In a practical session, participants are guided to create a short draft of a research plan within their topic, incorporating vignette methodology in their research. All interested are welcome to join. There is no need for prior knowledge of vignette methodology.

See the recording on YouTube (available until 15.2.2022)

Vignettes are short stories about a hypothetical person or a situation. In research, they may be used both as part of qualitative (e.g. within an interview or group discussion) or quantitative approaches, to glean information about their own set of beliefs. They are usually developed by drawing from previous research or clinical examples of situations, which reflect the local context, creating a story that participants can relate to.

The workshop will be held online by Dr. Tella Lantta from the University of Turku. She has worked at the Department of Nursing Science past 10 years and works currently as an Academy of Finland’s Postdoctoral Researcher. Her research interests include mental health, psychiatric nursing, violence & aggression, coercive methods, and different qualitative and quantitative research approaches. The workshop is held in English.

Sign up here by 25.1. at 14.00

STUE method clinics

STUE arranges a series of method clinics in Spring 2022. The aim is to discuss different research methods, share experiences, learn together, and build up skills for co-operation across disciplines. If you have in mind a method that you would like to discuss, please contact research coordinator Alisa Vänttinen,

More information:

Research Coordinator Alisa Vänttinen,