
Pilots provide a testbed for the Open Digital Badge constellation and learning modules designed in WP4 and WP3. Each partner country runs pilots individually in their own teacher educational context. Some are performed as part of initial teacher training and other as in service training. This way we studied how well the badges suit to different contexts. The pilots were organized in 2024.

Here you can find more information about local pilots.

Finnish pilots

The three Finnish pilots were conducted in the contexts of Professional Teacher Education and Vocational Education and Training. One of the pilots was organized in co-operation with Tredu Vocational College at Tampere as in-service coaching programme, one consisted of individual learning paths with workshops for the teaching staff of Tampere University of Applied Sciences and one was an online course for students in Professional Teacher Education in Tampere University of Applied Sciences. Click the link to read more about the Finnish pilots (in Finnish).

Czech pilots
Dutch pilots
Swedish pilots