Digital Open Badge Constellation

A visual presentation of the digital open badge constellation created in EduSTA project.

The WP4 has produced a digital open badge constellation on teachers’ sustainability competences. The constellation is piloted in WP5 and will be revised after the pilots.

The meta badge of Sustainable Future Educator consists of four milestone badges – Sustainability Literacy, Learning Ecosystem Design, Enabling Action, Reflexive Praxis. Each milestone badge consists of 1–3 micro badges.

Sustainability Literacy milestone badge proves that educator uses knowledges in a responsible way to further Sustainable Development through education. The Sustainable Literacy milestone badge contains three micro badges: knowledgeable problem articulator, critical developer, and complexity embracer.

A Knowledgeable Problem Articulator understands the background and purpose of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and their interconnection to Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) in their educational context(s).

A Critical Developer uses knowledge related to Sustainable Development, sustainability competences, Education for Sustainable Development, and national policy documents on implementing SD in

A Complexity Embracer is aware of and acknowledges complexity in their professional/daily practice. They discuss and reflect upon uncertainties and contradictions with colleagues, students, and community. education to critically develop teaching or curricula.

Learning Ecosystem Design milestone badge proves that educator designs learning environments and processes that facilitate the development of Green Comps. The Learning Ecosystem Design milestone badge contains three micro badges: systems thinking promoter, futures thinking catalyser, and value awareness supporter.

A Systems Thinking Promoter can design teaching and learning processes, utilise learning environments, and implement learning and assessing methods which help students to grasp the systems.

A Futures Thinking Catalyser can design teaching and learning processes, utilize learning environments, and implement learning and assessing methods that facilitate student’s futures thinking.

A Value Awareness Supporter can design teaching and learning processes, utilize learning environments, and implement learning and assessing methods that helps students to identify, evaluate, and reflect upon their values.

Enabling Action milestone badge proves that educator organises collaborative communal action and facilitates the development of student’s agency. The Enabling Action milestone badge contains two micro badges: active collaborator and action facilitator.

An Active Collaborator co-operates to strengthen communal action for sustainable future.

An Action Facilitator designs and organises opportunities that trigger and support student action for sustainable future.

Reflexive Praxis milestone badge proves that educator learns purposefully from her/his actions to improve in a dialogue with community, society, and science. The Reflexive Praxis milestone badge contains one micro badge.

A Conscious Change Agent reflects on the institutional and professional polices and strives towards continuous personal and institutional learning in ESD using tools of reflection.