On the first day, we were welcomed at the Centre for Talent & Learning by its dean Kris Tuinier, who underlined the relevance of our project for Hanze, for teacher learning and for sustainable transitions. A tour around Entrance, a living lab on Energy transition, where research, work field and students work on sustainability challenges provided a look and feel to Dutch research and learning environments in Higher Education.
In the afternoon, we delved into the educational design of the learning modules that will be piloted in 2024, aided by an ex-ante evaluation canvas that was developed for the occasion.
Thank you for our external evaluators
Combined with reflections on the badge design process and a futures literacy workshop on the future of Learning & Development on Wednesday, we were ready to discuss the potential of EduSTA Badges in promoting learning for sustainability in a webinar on Thursday. Joined by our external evaluators Dermot O’Donovan (Atlantic Technological University, Ireland) and Jan Willem Noom (Aeres University of Applied Sciences Wageningen, the Netherlands) and our supervising dean Marietta Muhonen we marked our reunion and its outputs with a festive diner.

It has been a great experience to meet in person.
And to those who couldn’t join this time: we are already looking forward to meeting as many educators as possible at our third and final meeting in Prague, where we will showcase our work and learning as a Teacher Academy in May 2025!
Text: Elles Kazemier
Photos: Karel Němejc
Group photo: F. Alkema