Enhancing progress, collaboration and trust within the EduSTA project: Recent key insights from project members

A big group of people.
Meeting of EduSTA project team in Groningen. Photo: F. Alkema

"To effectively communicate, we must realize that we are all different in the way we perceive the world and use this understanding as a guide to our communication with others.“ – Tony Robbins

The EduSTA project, dedicated to fostering skills and knowledge in sustainable development through international cooperation, has been actively engaging participants across various universities.

To ensure continuous improvement and success, several surveys were conducted between March 2023 and April 2024. These surveys were aimed at assessing the atmosphere, collaboration, and overall project management within EduSTA. Here, the key findings are summarized, and they will provide recommendations for future project phases.

Key findings

1. Positive atmosphere and collaboration

Comfort and respect: Participants reported feeling increasingly comfortable and respected within the EduSTA community. The mean rating for comfort improved from 3.41 in March 2023 to 3.61 in May 2024, indicating a growing sense of cohesion and positive atmosphere within the team.

International cooperation: Ratings for international cooperation and communication also showed improvement, reflecting effective integration of diverse cultural and national teams.

2. Effective project management

High ratings: Overall project management received high ratings, which have been improving over time. Clear communication and support from the Project Management Team from TAMK Tampere (PMT) were particularly appreciated by the participants.

Efficient tools: Project channels and tools were deemed effective, contributing to successful project implementation.

3. Personal and professional development

Growth opportunities: Significant personal and professional growth was reported, especially in project management, communication of complex concepts, and acquiring new skills in sustainable development. The project provided sufficient opportunities for developing professional knowledge and skills, consistently rated highly in all survey periods.

4. Challenges and areas for improvement

Communication needs: While overall communication was rated positively, there is space for improvement, particularly in international cooperation and clarity of information.

Organizational efficiency: Some participants highlighted the need for better organization of information and task coordination to reduce stress and enhance efficiency.

Recommendations for future phases

1. Improve communication

Open and inclusive communication: Foster an even more open and inclusive communication environment among all project partners.

Unified communication channel: Establish a single communication channel and a regular newsletter to disseminate information and project results more effectively.

2. Enhance organizational practices

Better planning and coordination: Improve planning and coordination of tasks to relieve stress and boost team efficiency.

Increase physical (online) meetings: Organize more physical (or online) meetings to encourage better collaboration and idea exchange.

3. Promote inclusiveness

Focus on inclusivity: Ensure all partners have the opportunity to contribute and be heard, paying close attention to inclusiveness.

Effective multicultural strategies: Adapt strategies to work efficiently in multicultural settings, recognizing and valuing diverse perspectives.

Analysis of selected survey results

The survey responses, rated on a scale from 1 (strongly disagree) to 4 (strongly agree), showed notable improvements in various aspects over time. Here are some key statistics:

  • Comfort in the EduSTA Community: Increased from 3.41 (March 2023) to 3.61 (May 2024).
  • Feeling Useful in the Community: Improved from 3.27 (March 2023) to 3.33 (May 2024), peaking at 3.64 in Nov-Dec 2023.
  • Respect and Inclusion: Rose from 3.50 (March 2023) to 3.61 (May 2024), with a peak of 3.73 in Nov-Dec 2023.
  • Influence on EduSTA Activities: Enhanced from 2.86 (March 2023) to 3.22 (May 2024).
  • Effective Communication: Increased from 3.05 (March 2023) to 3.44 (May 2024).


The EduSTA project has been successful in fostering a positive atmosphere, effective project management, and significant personal and professional development among participants. However, to ensure continued growth and success, some focus could be placed on improving communication and organizational practices. By addressing these areas, EduSTA can further enhance its impact and achieve its goals.

Text: Karel Němejc
Photo: F. Alkema