The same way that photography reflects the natural world, manipulating photographs alters our perception of the world. In the world of fake news and post-truth world, manipulating photos may have a bit of a negative reputation. However the media world is and will stay filled with manipulated imagery.
In the heart of all visual communication is the need to illustrate different aspects of reality. When this comes to Mamyfu-project (Making my future) the challenge is what will the future look like? Is there a way to have that illustrated?
Visualising the future, daydreaming it, can be a purposeful way of setting aims for yourself. Combine the day dreaming and photo manipulation and you picture a vivid future for yourself.
For Mamyfu-project a one day workshop session with a free painting and image editing software called Krita was organised at the University of Applied Sciences. The participants created an image of their future in ten years from now. For the workshop a sample presentation was created and it can be found here: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1S75xgAiGuG02zmTLU-qbAeRFCi4DqM3cqQNoBZ6YKNw/edit?usp=sharing
To make things more accessible the software was downloaded on to an usb pendrive as a portable app. This portable app can then, later on, be run on any computer. The process of downloading the portable app can be found on the aforementioned presentation. With these steps anyone can go on and start to mold how their future looks like.
Just go and try it! It may change your vision of future!