Ageing and Social Well-being (SoWell)
This project deals with social well-being of the older population. We are working on the assumption that knowledge of older peoples’ own perceptions of what is important for their well-being is important, when attempting to improve the well-being of the older population. In addition, we apply a participatory approach and cooperate with older people, other projects, organizational actors and authorities. The aim of the project is to produce new knowledge about social well-being of older people that municipalities, organizations and other communities can utilize to improve the social well-being of the older population. Moreover, the aim is to bring about discussion about the importance of social well-being. The project is carried out in the University of Tampere, in Gerontology Research Center (GEREC) and in close cooperation with the Centre of Excellence in Research on Ageing and Care (CoEAgeCare). The project is funded by Päivikki and Sakari Sohlberg Foundation.
We are collecting research data by conducting group discussions, one-on-one interviews and follow-up interviews with older people. The aim of these discussions and interviews is to find out the variety of perceptions the older people have about well-being. In addition, by conducting a postal survey, the generalizability of the factors brought out in the discussions and interviews will be studied in relation to a wider older population. The results will be presented in open, as well as scientific, seminars, on the project’s website, social media and the local media. In addition, the results will be reported in scientific and popular publications in English and in Finnish. Also a doctoral thesis will be written in the project.
Research group
Project leaders
Marja Jylhä
Professor, principal investigator

Outi Jolanki
Adjunct professor

Kristina Tiainen
Adjunct professor
p. +35840 190 1648
Päivi Ahosola
p. +35850 4367 282
Katariina Tuominen
Doctoral researcher
p. +35850 437 7524