Offsetting game draft narrative

Gaming cards

We have written together a draft narrative for the game to be printed on the rulebook of the game. Where does the game take place and what happens?

This area is inhabited by numerous enchanting species – a magical diversity of birds and mammals, insects and invertebrates, fish and flowers. Each of these species is under a threat – their disappearance would result in the regional extinction of these species. The local people know this, and they are worried about the future. Will their grandchildren have the opportunity to smell the sweet butterfly-orchid, see the beauty of false heath fritillary, hear the funny call of the little bustard and witness the flight of Siberian flying squirrel?

This area is also undergoing societal and economic changes. Near the rich and beautiful forests, swamps, meadows and water bodies, large parts of the area are already put into urban and industrial use. A pressure to develop the infrastructure and create more jobs is shared by politicians, entrepreneurs and local inhabitants. People need more energy, more efficient modes of transportation, more natural resources, and new housing.

All new development projects require land and resources, jeopardizing the wellbeing and existence of animals and plants and other beings already inhabiting those particular places. How can all these needs be met – is there a way to save land and use it?

Biodiversity offsetting is a tool for compensating environmental losses. It is a method for creating new, alternative habitats for species that are threatened by human development. The developers may engage in offsetting with a local environmental organization or in some cases they might be able to buy units from a biodiversity offsetting bank restoring habitats Ideally, offsetting guarantees the survival of the exact same species that were threatened.

Biodiversity offsetting is an appealing idea. However, the results of offsetting are typically uncertain, and there are many interest groups that may oppose offsetting. Offsetting legislation can be flexible or strict and subject to change.

If you were a developer interested in making big money, how would you proceed with your investment projects in this area? Or if you were a whole-hearted environmentalist, how would you react to offsetting procedures as a means of compensating biodiversity losses? If you were a local habitant, what would you do if your favorite meadow was under threat?

It’s time to find out and play the Offsetting game!


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