Piloting DigiCare Model - Khulna in Full Speed

The DigiCare Pilots are well in motion in Khulna City College and Hospital. The work has been ongoing for some time already and the number of trained teachers and students are rising.

DigiCare partners in Khulna are working hard on educating and piloting DigiCare model. COVID-19 pandemic has caused delays in activities due to partners’ obligations to work in the clinical field. Teacher trainings have been organized in Khulna and next phase to extend the education and training of coaching methods and use of digital technology in patient guidance to students is well under way.

After the theoretical part of education, students will practice with their peers in small groups. They will use role play as a learning method and experience both the role of patient or coachee and coach.

The SEPPS 36 and the TAM questionnaires have been launched and all participants will also fill an anonymous feedback form. The data from questionnaires and feedback forms will be analyzed and utilized for the further development of the DigiCare model and refining the content of pilots.

The concept of coaching as a new approach in healthcare field will be a challenge but also, future-proof competency in the evolving world of fast developing self-management demands and variety of online environments.


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