Let's Talk about Exposure - Dhaka Style

The dissemination and exploitation possibilities are fundamentally important in every project. They will provide exposure and visibility to your project outputs and raise awareness of project outcomes. At times dissemination may prove to be challenging, even difficult.

The Dhaka meeting was an excellent opportunity to disseminate our project and project outputs. The our surprise at the beginning of the transnational meeting we were in national TV.

Didn’t see that coming! And, the best part is still to come, we didn’t have our moment in the news once, but twice if YouTube will be counted. Imagine.

Quite suddenly at the beginning of our transnational meeting we were faced with microphones and cameras in our conference room at Universal Medical College and Hospital. One of the leading TV channels in Bangladesh, Channel I came to film us.

The Chairman of the UMCH Priti Chakraborty was explaining about our project and the consortium was filmed for the news.

This was a wonderful opportunity to disseminate our DigiCare project to the citizens in Bangladesh.



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