Dissemination activities were one of the tree main focuses in the Dhaka Transnational Meeting, along with DigiCare Model design and teachers’ and students’ learning packages.
The agenda was built to accommodate parallel workshops to maximize the effect of the work completed in this meeting. Therefore, participants from each university were divided into different small groups to work simultaneously in Article writing and Learning packages’ workshops. This meeting defined a form of active and effective working structure for the oncoming transnational meetings.
During the article writing workshop time was allocated to concretely advance articles. Our accomplished Coimbra partners lead the process, providing both theoretical and practical guidance.
Each DigiCare partner university is responsible for producing an article that introduces our project work and highlights the achieved outcomes. The aim is to publish these articles in relevant peer-reviewed scientific impact factor journals.
The potential journal options were discussed as well as what to take into account when considering a journal for submission. While process of publication is fairly new to many participants, this was helpful and enhanced participants’ knowledge on the publication process and its demands. For example, the significance of a journal’s impact factor became clearer to everyone.
In addition to theoretical guidance, the time was allocated to work on the articles in physical teams rather than online. This was a unique opportunity and particularly helpful as team members live far apart from each other and generally may not have the option of working side by side in person.
The expertise of Coimbra’s team also came in the form of ideas related to, for example, the angle the article’s background could take. Working groups brainstormed problem areas and seeked solutions to them. Fortunatelly, with the support from Coimbra’s team many of these challenging areas were resolved.