Project leader

Atte Oksanen
- Professor
- Social Psychology
- Faculty of Social Sciences
- Tampere University
- +358503187279
About me
Atte Oksanen is Professor of Social Psychology and Vice Dean for Research at the Faculty of Social Sciences of Tampere University, Finland. Oksanen's research focuses on digital technologies, social interaction, crime and addiction. He is the director of Emerging Technologies Lab which conducts social scientific and social psychological research on human behavior in technological environments. Oksanen has successfully led several major research projects funded by the Academy of Finland, Kone Foundation, Finnish Cultural Foundation, Aaltonen Foundation, Finnish Foundation for Alcohol Studies, Finnish Work Environment Fund, Wihuri Foundation, and Helsingin Sanomat Foundation. His international research projects have been funded by the Scandinavian Research Council for Criminology, the Research council of Norway and the National Science Foundation (U.S.). He has published extensively on social media, online communities and cyberhate during the last years and has over 350 publications to his name, with over 180 peer-reviewed international journal articles, including flagship journals (e.g. Criminology, Addiction, Pediatrics, International Journal of Information Management, Social Science & Medicine, Computers in Human Behavior, New Media & Society, and Higher Education). Publications include a seminal monograph on cyberhate and cybervictimization (Online Hate and Harmful Content: Cross-National Perspectives, Routledge, 2017).
Vice Dean for Research (>400 people at the faculty of social sciences; responsibilities at the university administration)
Director of Emerging Technologies Lab (>20 people at the lab; leadership and supervision in research)
Full professor (research and research management, MA and PhD level teaching in social psychology at the degree program for social sciences)
Board member of Research Council for Culture and Society, Academy of Finland (2022–2024, annual budget ca. 60M€)
Board member of Finnish Research Infrastructures Committee, Academy of Finland (2022–2025, annual budget ca. 30M€)
Research topics
artificial intelligence, human-robot interaction, human-technology interaction, social media, internet, online aggression, online hate, online harassment, self and identity, severe targeted violence, addiction, gambling, wellbeing
Research unit
Faculty of social sciences
Research fields
Social psychology, psychology, criminology, sociology, social sciences, health sciences, cultural studies
Research career
Current position
2024– Vice Dean for Research at the Faculty of Social Sciences, Tampere University, Finland
2018– Professor of Social Psychology (full), Tampere University, Finland
2014–2018 Professor of Social Psychology (tenure-track), University of Tampere Finland
2013–2016 PI, Hate Communities: A Cross-National Comparison Project (Kone Foundation), University of Turku, Finland
2013–2014 Senior researcher, National Research Institute of Legal Policy, Ministry of Justice, Finland
2012–2013 Senior researcher, Finnish Youth Research Network, Helsinki
2009–2012 PI, Everyday Life and Insecurity (Aaltonen Foundation), University of Turku, Finland
2009–2011 PI, post-doctoral researcher’s project Images of Addiction in Rock Culture, University of Tampere, Finland
2007–2008 Post-doctoral research fellow, University of Tampere, Finland
2002–2006 Research fellow, University of Tampere, Finland
Education and degrees awarded
2011 Title of docent, sociology, University of Helsinki, Finland
2011 Title of docent, sociology, University of Turku, Finland
2008 Title of docent, social psychology, University of Tampere, Finland
2006 Doctor of Social Sciences, social psychology, University of Tampere, Finland
2004 Licentiate of Social Sciences, social psychology, University of Tampere, Finland
2004 Master of Arts, Finnish literature, University of Tampere, Finland
2001 Master of Social Sciences, social psychology, University of Tampere, Finland
2022–2025 Board member, Finnish Research Infrastructures Committee, Academy of Finland
2022–2024 Board member, Research Council for Culture and Society, Academy of Finland
2021–2022 Member assessment group for gambling harms and risks, Ministry of Social Affairs and Health
2020– A-Clinic Foundation, member of board
2019–2020 Member assessment group for gambling harms and risks, Ministry of Social Affairs and Health
Currently editorial board member of Scientific Reports (Nature) and Human Behavior and Emerging Technologies.
1. Oksanen, A., Celuch, M., Latikka, R., Oksa, R., & Savela, N. (2022). Hate and harassment in academia: The rising concern of the online environment. Higher Education, 84, 541–567.
2. Oksanen, A., Oksa, R., Savela, N. Mantere, E., Savolainen, I., & Kaakinen, M. (2021). COVID-19 Crisis and Digital Stressors at Work: A Nationwide Longitudinal Study. Computers in Human Behavior
3. Savela, N., Oksanen, A., Pellert, M, & Garcia, D. (2021). Emotional reactions to robot colleagues in a role-playing experiment. International Journal of Information Management, 60,
4. Oksanen, A., Kaakinen, M., Minkkinen, J., Räsänen, P., Enjolras, B., & Steen-Johnsen, K. (2020). Perceived societal fear and cyberhate after the November 2015 Paris Terrorist Attacks. Terrorism & Political Violence, 32(5), 1047–1066.
5. Keipi, T., Näsi, M., Oksanen, A., & Räsänen, P. (2017). Online Hate and Harmful Content: Cross-National Perspectives. Abingdon & New York: Routledge.
6. Aaltonen, M., Oksanen, A., & Kivivuori, J. (2016). Debt Problems and Crime. Criminology, 54(2), 307–33.
7. Oksanen, A., Aaltonen, M., & Kivivuori, J. (2015). Driving under the Influence as a Turning Point? A Register-based Study on Financial and Social Consequences among First-time Male Offenders. Addiction, 110(3), 471–478.
8. Oksanen, A., Garcia, D., Sirola, A., Näsi, M., Kaakinen, M., Keipi, T., & Räsänen, P. (2015). Pro-Anorexia and anti-pro-anorexia videos on YouTube: Sentiment analysis of user responses. Journal of Medical Internet Research, 17(11):e256.
9. Oksanen, A. Hawdon, J., & Räsänen, P. (2014). Glamorizing Rampage Online: School Shooting Fan Communities on YouTube. Technology in Society, 39, 55–67.
10. Oksanen, A. (2013). Deleuze and the Theory of Addiction. Journal of Psychoactive Drugs, 45(1), 57–67.
Affective, cognitive, and contextual cues in Reddit posts on artificial intelligence
Savela, N., Pellert, M., Latikka, R., Bergdahl, J., Garcia, D. & Oksanen, A., helmik. 2025, julkaisussa: Journal of Computational Social Science. 8, 6, 27 SivumääräTutkimustuotos: Artikkeli › Tieteellinen › vertaisarvioitu
Psychosocial factors behind addiction—a six-wave longitudinal comparison of at-risk gambling and drinking
Hautamäki, S., Savolainen, I., Kauppila, E., Sirola, A. & Oksanen, A., tammik. 2025, julkaisussa: Alcohol and Alcoholism. 60, 1, agae089.Tutkimustuotos: Artikkeli › Tieteellinen › vertaisarvioitu
A world divided: Investors and gamblers meet at the blockchains
Mantere, E. S., Savolainen, I., Vuorinen, I., Hagfors, H. & Oksanen, A., 2 syysk. 2024, Advances in Blockchain Research and Cryptocurrency Behaviour. Strong, C., Martin, B. & Chrysochou, P. (toim.). De Gruyter, s. 313-332 20 SivumääräTutkimustuotos: Luku › Tieteellinen › vertaisarvioitu
Colliding harms of gambling and gaming: A four-wave longitudinal population study of at-risk gambling and gaming in Finland
Oksanen, A., Vuorinen, I., Hagfors, H., Mantere, E. S. & Savolainen, I., 28 toukok. 2024, (E-pub ahead of print) julkaisussa: Nordic Studies on Alcohol and Drugs.Tutkimustuotos: Artikkeli › Tieteellinen › vertaisarvioitu
Cultivating a sense of local community: Longitudinal population study on social, psychological, environmental, and technological factors
Bergdahl, J., Latikka, R. & Oksanen, A., 16 toukok. 2024, julkaisussa: JOURNAL OF COMMUNITY AND APPLIED SOCIAL PSYCHOLOGY. 34, 3, e2806.Tutkimustuotos: Artikkeli › Tieteellinen › vertaisarvioitu
Cybercrime target exposure, suitability, personality, and victimization: A longitudinal approach
Mikkola, M., Kaakinen, M., Savela, N., Oksa, R., Savolainen, I. & Oksanen, A., 9 syysk. 2024, (E-pub ahead of print) julkaisussa: Finnish Journal of Social Research. 18 SivumääräTutkimustuotos: Artikkeli › Tieteellinen › vertaisarvioitu
Digital relatedness: A longitudinal study on social resources and the use of smart technology
Latikka, R., Koivula, A., Bergdahl, J. & Oksanen, A., 30 marrask. 2024, (E-pub ahead of print) julkaisussa: New Media & Society.Tutkimustuotos: Artikkeli › Tieteellinen › vertaisarvioitu
Do We Trust Artificially Intelligent Assistants at Work? An Experimental Study
Cvetkovic, A., Savela, N., Latikka, R. & Oksanen, A., 17 toukok. 2024, julkaisussa: Human Behavior and Emerging Technologies. 12 Sivumäärä, 1602237.Tutkimustuotos: Artikkeli › Tieteellinen › vertaisarvioitu
Emotional talk about robotic technologies on Reddit: Sentiment analysis of life domains, motives, and temporal themes
Savela, N., Garcia, D., Pellert, M. & Oksanen, A., helmik. 2024, julkaisussa: New Media and Society. 26, 2, s. 757-781Tutkimustuotos: Artikkeli › Tieteellinen › vertaisarvioitu
Gambling Motives and Offshore Gambling: A Finnish Population Study
Hagfors, H., Oksanen, A. & Salonen, A. H., 2024, julkaisussa: JOURNAL OF GAMBLING STUDIES. 40, s. 825-840Tutkimustuotos: Artikkeli › Tieteellinen › vertaisarvioitu
Project members
Iina Savolainen
- Senior Research Fellow
- Faculty of Social Sciences
- Tampere University
- +358504377111
About me
Iina Savolainen is a Senior Research Fellow at Tampere University and the Vice Director of the Emerging Technologies Lab, conducting social scientific and social psychological research on human behavior in technological environments. Her research adopts a social psychological perspective to explore the intersection of technology and human behavior, with a focus on the role of technology and the evolving landscape of the online world in addictive behaviors.
In addition to research work, she teaches master's level quantitative methods courses.
Research topics
Addiction, social media, technology, internet, work life research
Research fields
Social psychology, addiction, work life
2020 Doctor of Social Sciences in Social Psychology Tampere University, Finland
2016 Master of Science in Psychological Science, Tulane University, United States
2015 Bachelor of Science in Psychology, Tulane University, United States
Psychosocial factors behind addiction—a six-wave longitudinal comparison of at-risk gambling and drinking
Hautamäki, S., Savolainen, I., Kauppila, E., Sirola, A. & Oksanen, A., tammik. 2025, julkaisussa: Alcohol and Alcoholism. 60, 1, agae089.Tutkimustuotos: Artikkeli › Tieteellinen › vertaisarvioitu
A world divided: Investors and gamblers meet at the blockchains
Mantere, E. S., Savolainen, I., Vuorinen, I., Hagfors, H. & Oksanen, A., 2 syysk. 2024, Advances in Blockchain Research and Cryptocurrency Behaviour. Strong, C., Martin, B. & Chrysochou, P. (toim.). De Gruyter, s. 313-332 20 SivumääräTutkimustuotos: Luku › Tieteellinen › vertaisarvioitu
Colliding harms of gambling and gaming: A four-wave longitudinal population study of at-risk gambling and gaming in Finland
Oksanen, A., Vuorinen, I., Hagfors, H., Mantere, E. S. & Savolainen, I., 28 toukok. 2024, (E-pub ahead of print) julkaisussa: Nordic Studies on Alcohol and Drugs.Tutkimustuotos: Artikkeli › Tieteellinen › vertaisarvioitu
Cybercrime target exposure, suitability, personality, and victimization: A longitudinal approach
Mikkola, M., Kaakinen, M., Savela, N., Oksa, R., Savolainen, I. & Oksanen, A., 9 syysk. 2024, (E-pub ahead of print) julkaisussa: Finnish Journal of Social Research. 18 SivumääräTutkimustuotos: Artikkeli › Tieteellinen › vertaisarvioitu
Editorial: Addiction and social behaviors in the post-pandemic world
Savolainen, I., Kerry, N. & Sirola, A., 1 toukok. 2024, julkaisussa: Frontiers in Psychology. 15, 3 SivumääräTutkimustuotos: Pääkirjoitus › Tieteellinen
Keeping you connected or keeping you addicted? Weekly use of social media platforms is associated with hazardous alcohol use and problem gambling among adults
Savolainen, I. & Oksanen, A., 16 maalisk. 2024, julkaisussa: Alcohol and alcoholism. 59, 3, 9 SivumääräTutkimustuotos: Artikkeli › Tieteellinen › vertaisarvioitu
Online communities as a risk factor for gambling and gaming problems: A five-wave longitudinal study
Vepsäläinen, J., Kaakinen, M., Savolainen, I., Hagfors, H., Vuorinen, I. & Oksanen, A., elok. 2024, julkaisussa: Computers in Human Behavior. 157, 108246.Tutkimustuotos: Artikkeli › Tieteellinen › vertaisarvioitu
Online communities come with real-world consequences for individuals and societies
Oksanen, A., Celuch, M., Oksa, R. & Savolainen, I., 2 elok. 2024, julkaisussa: Communications Psychology. 2, 71.Tutkimustuotos: Artikkeli › Tieteellinen › vertaisarvioitu
Psychological Distress and Perceived Stress Outcomes of Anxieties Related to COVID-19 and Russia’s Attack on Ukraine
Celuch, M., Savolainen, I., Oksa, R. & Oksanen, A., 2024, julkaisussa: JOURNAL OF LOSS AND TRAUMA. 29, 1, s. 1-26Tutkimustuotos: Artikkeli › Tieteellinen › vertaisarvioitu
Research Topic: Addiction and social behaviors in the post-pandemic world
Savolainen, I. (Vieraileva toimittaja), Kerry, N. (Vieraileva toimittaja) & Sirola, A. (Vieraileva toimittaja), 2024, julkaisussa: Frontiers in Psychology.Tutkimustuotos: Erikoisnumero › Tieteellinen › vertaisarvioitu

Jenna Bergdahl
- Doctoral Researcher
- Faculty of Social Sciences
- Tampere University
- +358453219222
Roope Grönroos
- Researcher
- Faculty of Social Sciences
- Tampere University
Moona Heiskari
- Researcher
- Faculty of Social Sciences
- Tampere University
- +358504717890

Anne Mäkikangas
- Professor
- Faculty of Social Sciences
- Tampere University
- +358504377137
Markus Kaakinen
- Associate Professor
- Institute of Criminology and Legal Policy
- University of Helsinki