SAMK offered a free elective course to promote virtual reality (VR) as a rehabilitation tool for physiotherapy students

Nainen virtuaalitodellisuuslasit päässä.

The purpose of this course was to introduce students to remote and virtual technologies in the field of rehabilitation.

The course was scheduled for the period of 7.3.2022–14.4.2022.

Additionally, the course aimed to showcase the effectiveness of virtual reality in providing accessible options for studying, working, and functional rehabilitation.

Henkilöt pöydän ympärillä keskustelemassa.

As part of the course objectives, students were expected to comprehend the potential applications of virtual reality in physiotherapy. They learned how to operate virtual glasses, guide clients in their use, and integrate them into the physiotherapy process. Further, students were able to create 360-degree videos and were introduced to other advancements in serious gaming using extended reality (XR) technologies and 3D printing.

Mies virtuaalitodellisuuslasit päässä.

The course covered both theoretical and practical aspects of VR rehabilitation and aimed to provide students with an understanding of the advantages and limitations of using such technology in physiotherapy. The course included one theory session (1.5 hour) and three workshops (14 hours), where students were taught how to use VR glasses and incorporate VR rehabilitation into their physiotherapy routines. Reflection, discussion, and feedback took place at the conclusion of each workshop.

Kaksi naista virtuaalitodellisuuslasit päässä.

In addition, the students were provided with self-study resources and given a total of 13 hours to complete their assignments, which included maintaining a learning diary after each workshop, as well as composing two distinct descriptive essays. One essay was intended to reflect on their learning from the course materials, while the other focused on how they would apply what they had learned in their future practices as physiotherapists.

Upon completion of the course, students gained knowledge about the potential of utilizing virtual reality to design tailored and engaging therapeutic interventions for their patients. The students were impressed with the immersive and engaging nature of the experience and expressed interest in applying these cutting-edge technologies in their future careers as physiotherapists.

Have a closer look on the course ”Virtual Reality in Rehabilitation” on YouTube video (the link opens in SAMK Hyvinvointiteknologia YouTube channel).

Additional information:

Ali Tavakoli
Project researcher
Satakunta University of Applied Sciences, +358 44 710 3187


Text and photos: Ali Tavakoli