Mobilia Automobile and Road Museum, a new partner of Viabundus Finland 1350-1650.

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In November 2022 the project Viabundus Finland 1350-1650 and the consortion responsible for the management and supervision of the project agreed with the Finnish Automobile and Road Museum Mobilia about a partnership and co-operation on the history of roads in preindustrial Finland.

The Mobilia Museum in Kangasala was founded in the early 1990s on the initiative of several actors. It was designated a national museum specialising in transport by the Ministry of Education in 1997. In 2020 it was designated as the national responsibility museum of road transport. The museum is run by the Mobilia Foundation, which brings together 29 automotive, road and other associations. For more information on the history of Mobilia, visit the museum’s website. Like the Postal Museum, a member of the Viabundus Finland -consortion, Mobilia is a member of the Trafiikki Museums Association, a cooperational network of Traffic and Communications Museums in Finland aiming to promote the importance, appreciation and impact of the cultural heritage of transport and communications in society, their development, and international contacts.

Mobilia’s experience in museum and exhibition activities in the field of road transport and its networks are an important addition to the domestic cooperation of Viabundus Finland 1350-1650. With the help of the larger European Viabundus project and the museum organisations associated with it, our project can provide a national Finnish automobile and road transport museum with new partners and contacts different from traditional line of automotive and road museums.

Mobilia museum also hosts important road transport history collections and library which consist of the collection owned by the Mobilia Foundation and the collections of objects, archives, images, and books managed by Mobilia under service contracts.

Mobilia’s contact persons in the partnership with the project Viabundus Finland are Development Manager Anni Antila and Museum Assistant Mikko Pentti.

Our project is looking forward to working with Mobilia Automobile and Road Museum!