
The main objective of the Vanuva-project is to prevent the experiences of invisibility and incompetence of young parents at risk of exclusion by supporting their inclusion and ability to function, especially as parents, and strengthening their self-esteem, self-efficacy, and empowerment as well as favourable attitude towards education.

The aim is to strengthen the involvement of young parents in the services provided by society, especially from the point of view of parenting and their role as educators.

With the strengthening of their own capacities, young parents have better opportunities to influence the acquisition and employment of their own professional skills. By strengthening their own role as educators, they prevent the transmission of intergenerational disadvantage to their own children.

Target group

The project reaches young mothers and fathers / mothers’ spouses under  the age of 30 in Pirkanmaa.

An expert network of professionals working with young parents at risk of exclusion will be formed in this project.


The project develops new ways to empower young parents through reinforcing positive experiences and positive insights gained in their role as parents.

The project innovatively applies existing methods and interventions that are proven efficient and develops a new experiential 360VR video intervention based on virtual reality. Using individually appropriate interventions and positive experiences that strengthen inclusion, the aim is to bring new insights and experiences in strengthening resources and self-resilience.


As a result of the project, young mothers at risk of exclusion and their spouses have been reached. The self-esteem of the young people in the target group has been strengthened, their ability to function has improved and their prerequisite for working as a parent and educator has been strengthened.

As a result of the project, they have been supported on their chosen study and employment paths, and their involvement in the services of children and families has been strengthened.

Service providers working with young parents have access to new solutions or added value to their existing services. Cooperation with early childhood education, secondary school care providers, mental health and substance abuse service providers and social care has increased through a network of experts.

Based on the information produced in the project, an action model will be developed to strengthen the capacity of young parents and positive experiences of their own role as educators.

Project management

The project is implemented by Tampere University of Applied Sciences in co-operation with public, private and organizational actors in the Pirkanmaa region.