
Tutustu tutkimusprojektiimme englanninkielisillä esittelyvideoilla. Kerromme projektista yleensä ja hankepartnerit – TAMK, Aalto-yliopisto ja VTT – kertovat omasta tutkimustyöstään tässä hankkeessa. Videot on julkaistu TAMKin YouTube-kanavalla, jollei toisin mainita.

General project presentation (about  10 minutes)

In SUSTAFIT research project we − Tampere University of Applied Sciences, Aalto University and VTT together with companies − will outline segment specific sustainability strategies around the use of sustainable and recycled fibres, and their processing into non-woven products. In this video we present our project and tell you how we support Finnish industry to boost their competitiveness and broaden the opportunities in the versatile and growing sustainable non-woven markets.

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TAMK video (3 min)

TAMK’s Customer Relationship Manager and Senior Lecturer Virpi Rämö and Principal Lecturer Pia Hautamäki tell about TAMK’s role in the Sustainable fit-for-purpose nonwovens (SUSTAFIT) research project.

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VTT video (3 min)

Senior Scientists Taina Kamppuri and Antti Oksanen from VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland tell us about their research work in the SUSTAFIT project.

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Aalto University video (3 min)

Associate Professors Ali Tehrani and Michael Hummel from Aalto University lead us to their research work in SUSTAFIT project.

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