
A growing number of researchers (e.g., Juul, 2010; Nikunen, 2019; Oosterlynck et al.  2017)  have arrived at the conclusion that modern understanding of solidarity, which was based on nation states and shared values and norms (Weber, Durkheim) simply cannot give access to late modern solidarities. Hence, researchers from different fields are increasingly interested in designing empirical studies that focus on the everyday negotiations around contested solidarities. It is important to acknowledge that since heterogeneity and hybridity define the current social environment, they also shape solidarities. Understanding such dynamics can help professionals working with young people to develop tools to support solidarity that utilizes differences rather than relies solely on similarities.

Hence, solidarities make particularly fertile topic for researchers who are interested in late modern dynamics between individuals and groups. In this project we problematize the modern understanding of solidarity. We propose that if the understanding of solidarity relies on shared values, significant acts of solidarity that stem from diversity may go unnoticed.  In addition, based on our previous research on this topic with Finnish young people, solidarities in contemporary context have a fleeting disposition and thereby they remain always open for alternative arrangements. Importantly, we perceive places as windows to crucial spatio-temporal events within which solidarities are build and broken.


Juul, S. (2010) Solidarity and Social Cohesion in Late Modernity: A Question of Recognition, Justice and Judgement in Situation. European Journal of Social Theory 13(2) 253–269.

Nikunen, K. (2019) Media Solidarities: Emotions, Power and Justice in the Digital Age. Sage.

Oosterlynck, S., M. Loopmans & N. Schuermans (eds) (2017) Place, Diversity, Solidarity.  Routledge.