Local Solutions Podcast on international mobility of researchers and their spouses

Podcast Local Solutions by the European Committee of the Regions

Tampere University and Hidden Gems Finland have been supporting the families of international researchers since 2018. Listen to the new podcast and hear about our activities!

As an initiative of the Tampere higher education community, the Hidden Gems activities are designed to empower international spouses whose partners have been hired to work in Tampere region. The activities aim to facilitate networking, professional growth and full integration of the spouses into the Finnish society. The participants, international spouses, are often dual-career spouses. A dual-career couple is a couple where both partners pursue a career and wish to have a paid employment. They may work in or outside academia. Spouses are international talents, whose “hidden” expertise is available to local companies.

Hidden Gems is coordinated by Tampere University. Initially, it started out as an in-house spouse programme supporting the spouses of our international researchers. Since then, our activities have been opened to spouses whose partners work in the private sector, too. Currently, the activities are produced in collaboration with the local ecosystem.

New podcast

Listen to the new podcast by the European Committee of the Regions, episode 5 on International Mobility and hear more about one of our many activities, the career mentoring programme for Hidden Gems spouses.

Mentoring Programmes at Tampere University

Interested in learning more? Read about the current mentoring schemes at Tampere University

Focus on peer groups in year 2023

Over the years, the Hidden Gems initiative has organised a variety of activities related to networking, mentoring and professional development, as a key for talent attraction and retention within Tampere Region. In academic year 2022-23, the peer support groups are the activity offered. Next peer group will be organised in spring 2023. More information is available on our website.