Enhancing Digital Care Capacity and Patient Health Education for Students

Piloting activities of the DigiCare project took place in Hanoi Medical University (HMU) in July 2022. HMU trained their students during Work Package 4 (Quality and piloting of DigiCare Model) and the activity was met with enthusiasm and keen practicing. Bridging the education and world's advanced trends is one of the future goals in HMU.

Technology and digitalization bring evolution to Vietnam’s healthcare industry in the context of integration with the world’s advanced trends.

DigiCare Project – part of the Erasmus+ Program funded by the European Union aims to enhance digital care skills for nursing students and improve the quality of patient care at Higher Education Institutions in Asia.

Within the framework of the project, Hanoi Medical University and partner schools are completing the Digital Care Model for Asia and gradually testing the Digital Care Model, starting with nursing students currently studying at the university in Vietnam.

One of the main activities of the project is to bring the concept of digital care to students and initially let students practice digital care on patients.

Activities implemented within the framework of the program: Student training in early July 2022.

Students were excited to have access to new concepts in nursing care. After being trained, nursing students confidently apply technology products to health care and health education for the community.

by MSN. Nguyen Dieu Linh & Dr. Truong Quang Trung



It’s fantastic to hear about the successful piloting activities of the DigiCare project at Hanoi Medical University (HMU) in July 2022.


24.5.2023 10:19

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