Publications and presentations


Sense of community, social support and social media use in post-pandemic world of work. Behavior & Information Technology (accepted 24th January 2025).

Pekkala, K., Oksa, R., & Oksanen, A. (2025).

The pervasive challenge of cyberbullying at work: The current evidence. Teoksessa M. Wright (Toim.), The Psychology of Cyberbullying (s. 223–234). Nova Science Publishers.

Celuch, M., Oksa, R. & Oksanen, A. (2024).

Sosiaalisten viestintäteknologioiden käyttö korona-ajan työelämässä [Social communication technologies at work during COVID-19 pandemic]. In: A. Mäkikangas & P. Pyöriä (Eds.), Koronapandemia, työ ja yhteiskunta: Muuttuiko Suomi? (pp. 52–66). Helsinki: Gaudeamus.

Oksa, R., Latikka, R., Savela, N., & Oksanen, A. (2023).

Professional social media-enabled productivity: A five-wave longitudinal study on the role of professional social media invasion, work engagement and work exhaustion. Information Technology and People, 35(8), 349–368.

Oksa, R., Pirkkalainen, H., Salo, M., Savela, N., & Oksanen, A. (2022).

Service Sector Professionals’ Perspective on Robots Doing Their Job in the Future (M. Kurosu, Toim.). Human-Computer Interaction. Interaction Techniques and Novel Applications. HCII 2021. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, no. 12763. Springer, Cham.

Savela N., Latikka R., Oksa R. & Oksanen A. (2021).


Digital communication tools at work: Cross-national and longitudinal European perspectives on occupational well-being.

Oksanen, A. (2024).

What happens to the sense of community and social support in the post-pandemic world of work? European Association of Occupational Health Psychology EAOHP 2024, 5.-7.6.2024, Granada, Spain.

Oksa, R., Pekkala, K., & Oksanen, A. (2024).

Työhyvinvointi digitalisoituvassa viestintäympäristössä. ProCom Tiede- ja teoriaverkosto, 4.10.2023.

Oksa, R. (2023).

Vihan ja kiusaamisen kohteeksi joutuminen työpaikalla. Viha ja julkisuus - hankkeen loppuseminaari, 21.8.2022.

Oksa, R. (2022).

Social media: The benefits and pitfalls for researchers. Training for researchers of The University of the Arts, 28.9.2022

Oksa, R. (2022).

Social Media Usage and Work Engagement Among Finnish Professionals before and during the COVID-19, WORK conference 9.12.2021, online.

Oksa, R., Kaakinen, M., Savela, N., Hakanen, J., & Oksanen, A. (2021).

Suomalaisten työntekijöiden työsomen käytön yhteys työn imuun ennen koronaa ja koronan aikana, Terveyspsykologian päivät, 5.11.2021, online.

Oksa, R., Kaakinen, M., Savela, N., Hakanen, J., & Oksanen, A. (2021).

The sudden digital leap in work life due to COVID-19: Implications for Millennials and older employees (longitudinal), The Annual Social Psychology Conference, May 7th and 8th 2020, online.

Oksa, R., Kaakinen, M., Saari, T., & Oksanen, A. (2020).

Social media as double-edged sword: perceived strain and productive, Work Research Days November 7th and 8th 2019, Tampere, Finland.

Oksa, R., Pirkkalainen, H., Salo, M., Savela, N., & Oksanen, A. (2019).

Social media as double-edged sword: perceived strain and productive, Health Psychology Days, October 29th and 30th 2019, Helsinki.

Oksa, R., Pirkkalainen, H., Salo, M., Savela, N., & Oksanen, A. (2019).

TyöSome - Social media usage at work, Tampere university SOC research days, October 10th 2019, Tampere.

Oksa, R., Kaakinen, M., Ellonen, N., & Oksanen, A. (2019).

Social media and work engagement among Finnish professionals - Link to organizational identification and social support. WORK2019 conference Real Work in the Virtual World, August 14th to 16th 2019, Helsinki.

Oksa, R., Kaakinen, M., Ellonen, N., & Oksanen, A. (2019).

Social media at professional work – Threat or possibility? (national and organizational surveys) Wellbeing at work in a changing world: Challenges and opportunities conference, May 22nd to 24th 2019, Paris, France.

Oksa, R., Savela, N., Kaakinen, M., Ellonen, N., & Oksanen, A. (2019).

Social media at professional work – work engagement, organizational identification and technostress. (focus group interviews and organizational survey) The social psychology conference 2019: Against – social psychological perspectives on conflicts April 11th and 12th 2019, Kuopio, Finland.

Oksa, R., Savela, N., Kaakinen, M., Ellonen, N., & Oksanen, A. (2019).

Social media at professional work – threat or possibility? (focus group interviews) Social psychological miniconfenrence November 9th 2018, Tampere, Finland.

Oksa, R., Kaakinen, M., Ellonen, N., & Oksanen, A. (2018).

Social media at professional work – threat or possibility? (focus group interviews) Work Research Days November 1st and 2nd 2018, Tampere, Finland.

Oksa, R., Kaakinen, M., Ellonen, N., & Oksanen, A. (2018).

Doctoral Dissertations

Master's Theses

Etätyön määrän yhteys yhteenkuuluvuuden tunteeseen työyhteisössä

Kaasalainen, W. (2023).

Ammatillisen sosiaalisen median vaikutus työyhteisön hyvinvointiin: työntekijöiden myönteisiä kokemuksia sosiaalisen median käytöstä. Bachelor's thesis of social psychology, Tampereen yliopisto.

Moilanen, L. (2020).

Ammatillinen sosiaalisen median käyttö ja psykologinen sopimus asiantuntijatyössä. Bachelor's thesis of sociology, Tampereen yliopisto.

Veikkolainen, J. (2019).

Somesta työn imua? Työntekijöiden kokemuksia ammatillisen sosiaalisen median käytöstä. Bachelor's thesis of social psychology, Tampereen yliopisto.

Yletyinen, M. (2019).