Problem gambling and social media

The aim of this project is to analyse youth problem gambling, social media usage and online group processes from a social psychological perspective.

Gambling in the social media era

This social psychological research project examines youth problem behaviours, particularly gambling, in a social media context. The project collected comprehensive data with a YouGamble 2017 Survey in March-April 2017 in Finland (N=1200). Additional YouGamble Social Media survey (N=223) was collected in April-June 2017 from Finnish social media sites. The project also collected YouGamble survey data from the US (N=1212) and South Korea (N=1192) in the beginning of 2018, and from Spain (N=1212) in January 2019. All the YouGamble survey respondents were 15-25-year-olds, while the YouGamble Social Media survey respondents were 15-30-year-olds. The surveys measured problem gambling, addictive behaviours, social media usage, subjective well-being and social relationships. The survey also included social psychological survey experiment using a vignette design. The aim of the project is to bring social psychological insight into the youth gambling phenomenon and its associated factors. The main hypotheses were pre-registered to Open Science Framework in March 2017.

Funded by the Finnish Foundation for Alcohol Studies (Alkoholitutkimussäätiö) 2017-2019