Research Team
Anni Kangas
- University Lecturer
- kansainvälinen politiikka
- Faculty of Management and Business
- Tampere University
- +358503186032
About me
University Lecturer in International Relations
Anna Hannula
- University Lecturer
- yrityksen johtaminen
- Faculty of Management and Business
- Tampere University
- +358503185970
About me
PhD, Senior Lecturer (Management and Organization), Academic Director (MDP in Responsible business) and Adjunct Professor (Business ethics and sustainability) interested in CSR and corporate sustainability, urban nature, stakeholder engagement, climate change, critical examinations of business’ role in the society and business ethics. Member of the RESPMAN Research Group at Tampere University.
Senior Lecturer, Management and Organization, Faculty of Management and Business, Tampere University
Academic Director, MDP in Responsible Business, Faculty of Management and Business, Tampere University
Adjunct Professor (Title of Docent), Business ethics and sustainability, University of Eastern Finland
Research career
Education and other affiliations
Adjunct Professor, Business Ethics and Sustainability, University of Eastern Finland, 5/2019–present
Senior Research Fellow, MAB, Tampere University, 1–7/2019
Professor (acting), Management and Organization, School of Management, University of Tampere, 9–12/2018, 9–12/2017
Postdoctoral researcher, School of Management, University of Tampere, 2015–2018
PhD in Management and Organization, School of Management, University of Tampere, 2014
Master of Science in Management and Organization, School of Management, University of Tampere, 2009
International mobility
Copenhagen Business School, Department of Management, Society and Communication, Visiting researcher, 4–5/2019
Darden School of Business, University of Virginia, Visiting Scholar, 5–6/2018
Darden School of Business, University of Virginia, Visiting PhD Scholar, 1–6/2012
Aarhus School of Business, Exchange student, 2007
Peer-reviewed journal articles and articles in edited books
Kortetmäki, T., Heikkinen, A. & Jokinen, A. 2022. Particularizing nonhuman nature in stakeholder theory: The recognition approach. Journal of Business Ethics, online first. (Open Access )
Kujala, J., Sachs, S., Leinonen, H., Heikkinen, A. & Laude, D. 2022. Stakeholder engagement: Past, present, and future. Business & Society, online first. (Open Access)
Tapaninaho, R. & Heikkinen, A. 2022. Value creation in circular economy business for sustainability: A stakeholder relationship perspective. Business Strategy and the Environment, online first. (Open Access)
Blomberg, A., Heikkinen, A. & Kujala, J. 2021. Sidosryhmävuorovaikutus kestävän liiketoiminnan mahdollistajana [Stakeholder engagement in sustainable business]. In Eräranta, K. & Penttilä, V. (Eds.) Vastuullinen viestintä. Helsinki: ProComma Academic. pp. 60–75. (Open Access)
Gonzalez-Porras, L., Heikkinen, A., Kujala, J. & Tapaninaho, R. 2021. Stakeholder engagement in sustainability transitions. In Teerikangas, S., Onkila, T., Koistinen, K. & Mäkelä, M. (Eds.) Research Handbook of Sustainability Agency. Edward Elgar Publishing. pp. 214–229 (Open Access)
Mattila, M., Mesiranta, N. & Heikkinen, A. 2020. Platform-based sustainable business models: Reducing food waste in food services. International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Innovation Management, 24(4/5), 249–265.
Jokinen, A & Heikkinen, A. 2019. Pääkirjoitus: Luontopohjaiset ratkaisut: käsitteen vakiintumisen reittejä. Alue ja Ympäristö, 48(2), 1–4. (Open Access )
Heikkinen, A., Mäkelä, H., Kujala, J., Nieminen, J., Jokinen, A. & Rekola, H. 2019. Urban ecosystem services and stakeholders: Towards a sustainable capability approach. In Bonnedahl, K. J. & Heikkurinen, P. (eds.) Strongly Sustainable Societies. Organising Human Activities on a Hot and Full Earth. New York, NY: Routledge, 116-133 (Open Access )
Heikkinen, A. 2017. Business Climate Change Engagement: Stakeholder Collaboration in Multi-Stakeholder Networks. In Freeman, R. E., Kujala, J. & Sachs, S. (eds.) Stakeholder Engagement: Clinical Research Cases. Berlin Heidelberg: Springer. pp. 231–254
Heikkinen, A., Kujala, J., Laine, M. & Mäkelä, H. 2017. Discourse analysis as a method for business ethics and corporate responsibility research. In Werhane, P. H., Freeman, R. E. & Dmytriyev, S. (eds.) Cambridge Handbook of Research Approaches to Business Ethics and Corporate Responsibility. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 138–153.
Kujala, J., Heikkinen, A. & Lehtimäki, H. 2012. Understanding the dynamic nature of stakeholder relationships: An empirical examination of a conflict situation. Journal of Business Ethics, 109(1), 53–65.
Books, edited books and journal special issues
Kudłak, R., Barkemeyer, R., Preuss, L., & Heikkinen, A. (Eds.) 2022. The impact of corporate social responsibility: Corporate activities, the environment and society. Taylor & Francis
Närvänen, E., Mesiranta, N., Mattila, M. & Heikkinen, A. (Eds). 2020. Food Waste Management: Solving the Wicked Problem. Cham, Switzerland: Palgrave Macmillan
Jokinen, A. & Heikkinen, A. (Eds.). 2019. Special issue: Luontopohjaiset ratkaisut [Nature-based solutions]. Alue ja Ympäristö, 48(2).
Kangas, A., Kujala, J., Heikkinen, A., Lönnqvist, A., Laihonen, H., & Bethwaite, J. (Eds.) 2019. Leading Change in a Complex World: Transdisciplinary Perspectives. Tampere: Tampere University Press (Open Access )
Heikkinen, A. 2014. Discursive Constructions of Climate Change Engagement in Business Organisations. Acta Universitatis Tamperensis 1996. Tampere: Tampere University Press. 167 pp. ISBN 978-951-44-9633-2 Doctoral dissertation
Iuliia Gataulina
- Grant Holder, Post Doc Research
- Faculty of Management and Business
- Tampere University
- +358503182508
About me
Iuliia Gataulina is Postdoctoral Research Fellow at Tampere University, Finland. Currently, she works in “Assembling Postcapitalist International Political Economy” research project (funded by the Academy of Finland) and is a member of the “International Political Economy” research group. Her main research interests spring around international political economy, the workings of global capitalism and neoliberalism in the Global East, assemblage theorizing, new materialism, and ethnographic methods in International Relations. More broadly, Gataulina is interested how different politico-economic regimes of oppression and dispossession are composed across borders and how we can theorize more hopeful political alternatives.
In 2024-2028, Gataulina (PI) works on her postdoctoral project, Pluriversal waters: Tracing hydro-ontologies across colonial-extractivist assemblages, funded by Kone Foundation. This postdoctoral research project analyses different ways of being (with), governing, and exploiting water in the contexts of colonial extractivisms and seeks ways to rethink water from decolonial, relational, and ecological perspectives. The research project departs from Latin American studies on decolonizing water and seeks to enrich the scholarship on water ontologies from the contexts of Global North (Northern Europe) and Global East (Central Asia) . The project inquires into colonial-extractivist practices of water exploitation through case studies of 1) mining and related to it water degradation in Northern Finland and 2) extractivist practices in the Aral Sea in the Karakalpakstan autonomous region of Uzbekistan. In order to analyze the ways in which water is governed, exploited, and lived with, this research project applies three interconnected concepts: hydro-ontology, pluriversality, and assemblage. Colonial-extractivist regimes of political and economic governance are analyzed as assemblages, i.e. the mechanisms of power composed of human and non-human elements, e.g. water, land, humans, water management regulations, national laws, and resource extraction and production companies. The concept of pluriversality aims to capture different ontological projects of these actors in relation to water, hydro-ontologies. In order to pay attention to the entangled ontological realities and different ways of being with water, this research utilizes non-local ethnography. Moreover, the research project collaborates with the visual artists in analyzing, producing, and communicating the research topic and results.
Gataulina defended her PhD in January 2024 in Tampere University. Her doctoral dissertation, De/re/composing authoritarian-neoliberal assemblages. Ethnography of Russian universities and beyond, conceptualized the workings of neoliberalism beyond the Global North, specifically investigating how neoliberal reforms can reinforce the authoritarian modes of governance. Gataulina has been actively involved in issues around university democracy and autonomy, academic freedom, and international cooperation and solidarity. In 2018–2021, Gataulina worked in the research project “Towards Good Neighbourliness with Higher Education Cooperation” (funded by the Kone Foundation). She has been active and held different positions of trust in the student and, later, researcher unions in Finland and in Russia. In 2024, Gataulina serves as a vice-chair of Tampere University Association of Researchers and Teachers (Tampereen yliopiston tieteentekijät ry).
In 2022-2023, Gataulina has been involved in teaching following courses: International Political Economy (bachelor's level), International Relations reading group (doctoral level), Urban political economy (master's level). In 2019-2020, Gataulina worked as an academic coordinator of "Leadership for Change" master's programme, Faculty of Management and Business.
Gataulina graduated from her master's studies from St Petersburg State University and Tampere University (through the double-degree program) in 2017. Her master's thesis, Translating gender equality: Nordic initiatives in the Russian context, paved the way to research interests of the critique of Eurocentrsim, policy mobilities, and Russia/West geopolitical divide. In 2015-2019, Gataulina was active in LGBTIQ+ and feminist movements in St Petersburg.
Research topics
International political economy, political ecology, workings of global capitalism and neoliberalism in the Global East, extractivisms, ethnographic methods, collaboration between research and art.
January 2023 – ongoing. Board member of Tampereen yliopiston tieteentekijä (Tampere University Association of Researchers and Teachers).
- January 2024 – ongoing. Vice-chair.
- January 2023 – ongoing. Member of two working groups: Working group for international members and Working group for decent and fair working conditions and university democracy.
January 2023 – ongoing. Member of Early Career Researchers Committee at Tieteentekijät (Finnish Union of University Researchers and Teachers).
January 2024 – ongoing. Board member of Camera Club Vastavalo, Tampere.
Gataulina, I. (2024, June 19). ارتباط درونی مبارزات سیاسی: مقابله بامنطق ناسیونالیستی مقاومت [Interconnectedness of political struggle: Defying nationalistic logic of resistance]. Osyan magazine.
Gataulina, I. (2024). Autoritarismin ja uusliberalismin sommitelmat venäläisyliopistoissa. Kosmopolis, 54(1-2), 103-109.
Gataulina, I. & Shahmoradi, M. (2024, May 7). Interconnectedness of Political Struggle: Iranian-Russian Political Resistance in Conversation. LeftEast.
Gataulina, I. (2024, February 13). Reimagining political protest: Russian-speaking demonstrations against the closure of the Finnish eastern border. RASTER (Anti-racist research network).
Gataulina, I. (2024). De/re/composing authoritarian-neoliberal assemblages. Ethnography of Russian universities and beyond (doctoral dissertation). Tampere University.
Gataulina, I. (2017). Translating gender equality: Nordic initiatives in the Russian context (master’s thesis). University of Tampere.
Gataulina is a writer and editor of the blog “Charting the Turning Discipline: International Relations Reading Group”:
Mikko Poutanen
- Grant Holder
- Faculty of Management and Business
- Tampere University
- +358503182622
Tiina Vaittinen
- Grant Holder, Post Doc Research
- Faculty of Management and Business
- Tampere University
- +358401909770
PI of a Kone Foundation funded project "Emergent un/sustainabilities of care: The global political economy of the adult incontinence pad", also known as the Pad Project. For further information, see:
Anna Rajala
- Postdoctoral Research Fellow
- Faculty of Social Sciences
- Tampere University
- +358503182563