POSTCAPE team member Anni Kangas together with Julia Bethwaite has published an article in OnCurating. In the article, Bethwaite and Kangas argue that contemporary art biennials are characterized by paradoxes. The authors focus in particular on the paradoxes of the Russian Pavilion in the Venice Biennale during the years 2011–2015. They suggest that analyzing paradoxes is a necessary part of any attempt to understand the politics of biennials. “As biennials attract not only artists and art world actors but also people in positions of political and economic power,” Bethwaite and Kangas write, “it is important to pay attention to the kinds of actions that paradoxes enable or disable in the context of these mega-events of contemporary art.” The article is available open access and can be read through this link.
New publication on the Biennial political economy

A new publication by POSTCAPE members in OnCurating.