Kuvatan kahdestoista webinaari "As an Artist in a Sparsely Populated Area - Taiteilijana harvaan asutulla alueella" järjestetään 20.1. 2025 klo 14:00-15:30

Webinaarin puhujat

This Kuvata webinar explores diversified income streams of visual artists and the expanded field of work in rural and sparsely populated areas of Finland.

As an Artist in a Sparsely Populated Area / Taiteilijana harvaan asutulla alueella

The webinar is in English

20.1. 2025 at 14:00-15:30 

About the speakers

Marjo Heino is a visual artist and a doctor of arts. She lives and works in Eurajoki Luvia. The core of her artistic work is painting, but the expression has expanded to also deal with space and light.

Black Box Genesis is an art initiative that encompasses the experience in fine/visual arts and artistic/cultural activities of Bekim Hasaj & Valentina Gelain. Established as an art studio and art space, they have collaborated with various organizations and professionals, organizing and creating events, exhibitions, and public activities. Now, projected towards the latter and online or pop-up exhibitions, Black Box Genesis consolidates the form of a platform for the presentation and promotion of the two founders, peers and other collaborators.

Pia Sirén is a Finnish visual artist. She creates large-scale temporary landscapes using common construction materials, as well as sculptures, performative projects and collaborations. Her works, realized both indoors and outdoors, are often spatially and materially engaging installations that you can enter and become part of.

The Kuvata Project is implemented by Tampere University of Applied Sciences, the University of Lapland, and Globe Art Point ry. The Häme Centre for Economic Development, Transport, and the Environment has granted partial funding from the European Union’s ESR+ program for the Kuvata Project.