Kuvata -hankkeen kymmenes webinaari "Green Art - Vihreää taidetta" järjestetään 14.1.2025

Webinaarin puhujat

The topic of the 10. webinar is Green Art - Vihreää taidetta

Green Art – Vihreää taidetta

14.1.2025 at 14–15:30 

The webinar is in English

 Webinar content:

Sustainable Development Strategies, Roadmaps, and tools for promoting sustainability for visual and community artists, artist collectives, and artist-led associations or businesses. How to incorporate sustainability in art productions?

About The Speakers

Low-carbon expert Saara Korpela has been working in ecological sustainability within the visual arts as an eco-coordinator and educator since 2020. Her employers have included ANTI Festival, Frame Contemporary Art Finland, HIAP – Helsinki International Art Programme, IHME Helsinki, Mustarinda, and Finnish cultural and scientific institutes. She worked as project coordinator in the Green Art Project, which developed a carbon and material footprint calculator for visual arts professionals. Currently, Saara is promoting ecological sustainability in public art acquisitions at the Turku Museum Centre.

Paula Toppila’s passion is to think about the role of art and art institutions in the sustainability transition. He works as executive director and curator of Art Foundation Pro Arte and led the organizational change from IHME contemporary art festival to IHME Helsinki. IHME Helsinki’s operations combine art, science and climate work. The aim of the activity is to promote the freedom of art, eco-social civilization, a sustainable and democratic society and a diverse good life.

Egle Oddo is a visual artist interested in operational realism, understood as the presentation of the functional sphere in an aesthetic arrangement and its interrelations. She combines photography, moving images, installations, sculptures, environmental art, and experimental live art. In her pieces, industrial production transforms into delicate handcraft, life forms appear and emerge from sculptures and objects, film photography appropriates digital images, selected trash mixes with fashion, precious edible minerals, and ancestral recipes are served as part of ritual meals. Her work is featured in international biennials, museums, and relevant institutions, as well as in cutting-edge and independent alternative spaces and events. She lives and works in Helsinki.

Info of the project: The Kuvata Project is implemented by Tampere University of Applied Sciences, the University of Lapland, and Globe Art Point ry. The Häme Centre for Economic Development, Transport, and the Environment has granted partial funding from the European Union’s ESR+ program for the Kuvata Project.