
Alessandro Foi
- Professor
- Signal Processing
- Faculty of Information Technology and Communication Sciences
- Tampere University
About me
Alessandro Foi is a Professor of Signal Processing at Tampere University, Finland, and the Director of Tampere University Imaging Research Platform. He is also the CTO of Noiseless Imaging, a company specialized in noise-removal, restoration, and enhancement technology for the imaging industry.
His research interests include mathematical and statistical methods for signal processing, functional and harmonic analysis, and computational modeling of the human visual system. His work focuses on adaptive algorithms for the restoration and enhancement of digital images, on noise modeling for imaging devices, and on the optimal design of statistical transformations for the stabilization, normalization, and analysis of random data. He is a Fellow of the IEEE for his contributions to image restoration and noise modeling.
He was the Editor-in-Chief of the IEEE Transactions on Image Processing from 2021 to 2023. He previously served as a Senior Area Editor for the IEEE Transactions on Computational Imaging and as an Associate Editor for the IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, the SIAM Journal on Imaging Sciences, and the IEEE Transactions on Computational Imaging.
He is a member of the IEEE TAB/PSPB Products & Services Committee and of the IEEE SPS Technical Directions Board.
Deputy director
Atanas Gotchev
- Professor
- Signal Processing
- Faculty of Information Technology and Communication Sciences
- Tampere University
- +358408490733
About me
I am Professor of Signal Processing at Tampere University, Finland, where I lead the 3D Media Group and direct the Centre for Immersive Visual Technologies (CIVIT). I am also the Chair of the Erasmus Mundus Joint Master Programme in Imaging and the Deputy Director of TAU Imaging Research Platform.
I received the M.Sc. degree in Electronics and Automation Engineering and the M.Sc. degree in Applied Mathematics, both from Technical University – Sofia, Bulgaria, in 1990 and 1992, correspondingly, the PhD degree in Information Technologies, from Bulgarian Academy of Sciences in 1996, and the D. Tech. degree from Tampere University of Technology, Finland, in 2003.
My research interests include immersive, 3D and light field imaging, image quality assessment, and computational optics. With my colleagues from 3D Media Group, we investigate methods for capture, processing and display of 3D visual data based on extensive knowledge about the human perception of depth and 3D visual cues. We employ advanced signal processing methods to tackle specific problems related to the huge amount of data to be processed and the optimal way of visualization using immersive displays. More recently, we have focused on developing computational cameras and displays employing end-to-end design of diffractive and metaoptics and corresponding computation imaging.
I have been coordinating three Marie Sklodowska-Curie doctoral networks in the area of light field and plenoptic imaging.
I am Senior Area Editor of the IEEE Transactions of Image Processing and Senior Editor of the Journal of Electronic Imaging.
I have been the Chair of the conference Image Processing Algorithms and Systems, part of the IS&T Electronic Imaging Symposium since 2012, and was the General Chair of the IEEE Multimedia Signal Processing Workshop (IEEE MMSP 2020 and 2021). I am also the General Chair of the Organizing Committee of IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (IEEE ICIP 2026) to be held in Tampere on 13 – 17 September, 2026.
Corrently, I am a Visiting Professor with Prof. Rajesh Menon's Group on Nano-photonics technologies at University of Utah (August 2023 - June 2024) with Fulbright Scholarship and Nokia Foundation Visiting Professor Grant.
Steering Group

Anu Juslin
- Head of unit
- Research and Innovation Services
- Tampere University
- +358503009062
Head of Unit, Research development
Key responsibilities and tasks of Research Development team:
- We provide professional support and advice for research staff at Tampere University.
- We prepare research-related matters that are brought before the University management, the faculty management and different administrative bodies, such as the Science Council and the Academic Board.
- We generate information to promote informed discussion of science policy and support decision-making.
- We help to foster sustainable development and a culture of innovation across Tampere Universities.
- We coordinate the development of research infrastructures.
- We support the planning and implementation of University-level research, development and innovation projects, such as Profi and FIRI projects.
- We participate actively in research and science communication.
- We offer support for technical and visual communication, for example, for staff who are working on research projects or preparing grant proposals.

Minnamari Vippola
- Professor
- Vice Dean for Research
- Faculty of Engineering and Natural Sciences
- Tampere University
- +358408490148
About me
Professor at Tampere University (2019 onwards): Professorship in Materials Characterization. Research areas include microstructural characterization and NDE (non-destructive evaluation) of various materials (additive manufactured materials, steels, nanomaterials, catalysts, ceramic materials, coatings, tribology/fretting samples) together with activities in material processing, performance and failure analysis. Special expertise on electron microscopy including the administrative and scientific leadership in university-level Tampere Microscopy Center. Responsibilities in Professorship include scientific leadership in materials characterization, teaching and supervision of researchers, funding activity, project management and various administrative duties. Main Tampere University administrative duty is Vice Dean for Research in the Faculty of Engineering and Natural Sciences including the membership in TAU Science Council and TAU Infrastructure Steering group.
- Professor in Materials Characterization and Head of the Materials Characterization group, Materials Science and Environmental Engineering
- Vice Dean for Research in the Faculty of Engineering and Natural Sciences
- Head of Tampere Microscopy Center
Research unit
Materials Science and Environmental Engineering
Research career
1. Professor, Tampere University 2019-
2. Professor (2016 - 2018) Tampere University of Technology
3. Associate professor (2013 - 2016) Tampere University of Technology
4. Senior Researcher (fulltime/part time, 2007 - 2013) Finnish Institute of Occupational Health, Work Environment Development
5. Visiting Researcher (1-3/1999) Stockholm University, Structural Chemistry, Arrhenius Laboratory
6. Visiting Scholar (2-7/1996) University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Frederick Seitz Materials Research Laboratory
7. Researcher/Senior Researcher/Senior Research Fellow (1996 – 2013) Tampere University of Technology
- Tampere University (TAU) level duties: Member in TAU PROFI6 Imaging Platform Steering group, in TAU Sähkötalo Research Hub Steering group, in TAU Sustainibility Committee Steering group, in Finnish Atmospheric Science Network Steering group, in Prein Flagship Steering committee, in National Scientific Computing and Data Management Cooperation Forum and Member in TAU Science council and TAU Infrastructure steering group.
- Board member of SCANDEM Nordic Microscopy Society since 2012
- Member in Finnish Publication Forum Panel (10-Chemical, materials and environmental engineering) 2025-28.
- Research Council of Finland: Member of the Research Council for Natural Sciences and Engineering (2019-21) and Member in The Finnish Research Infrastructure Committee (FIRI Committee 2019-22)
- Main Organiser of ICBM15 15th International Conference on Barkhausen Noise and Micromagnetic Testing held at Tampere on September 2024 and Main Organiser of Scandem 2022 online conference, Annual Meeting of the Nordic Microscopy Society held on June 2022.
Severe shot peening: A promising solution for mitigating stress corrosion cracking in solution-annealed LPBF 316 l stainless steel
Gundgire, T., Santa-aho, S., Rautio, T. & Vippola, M., 1 tammik. 2025, julkaisussa: Materials Letters. 378, 137626.Tutkimustuotos: Artikkeli › Tieteellinen › vertaisarvioitu
Academic studies of Barkhausen noise at Tampere University
Lepistö, T., Santa-aho, S., Lindgren, M., Honkanen, M. & Vippola, M., 23 syysk. 2024. 2 Sivumäärä.Tutkimustuotos: Abstrakti › Tieteellinen
Academic studies of Barkhausen noise at Tampere University
Lepistö, T., Santa-aho, S., Lindgren, M., Honkanen, M. & Vippola, M., 25 syysk. 2024. 1 Sivumäärä.Tutkimustuotos: Posteri › Tieteellinen
A Comparative Study on Wear Resistance of Cold-Sprayed Aluminum/Quasicrystal Composite Coatings
Jafari, R., Cizek, J., Lukac, F., Cvrcek, L., Buril, M., Walter, J., Honkanen, M., Vippola, M. & Koivuluoto, H., 2024, julkaisussa: Journal of Thermal Spray Technology. 33, 2-3, s. 705-718 14 SivumääräTutkimustuotos: Artikkeli › Tieteellinen › vertaisarvioitu
Acoustic emissions caused by fretting induced adhesion, wear and cracking
Kovanen, R., Laiholahti, O.-P., Juoksukangas, J., Vippola, M., Hintikka, J., Mäntylä, A., Vaara, J. & Frondelius, T., 31 jouluk. 2024, julkaisussa: Tribologia - Finnish Journal of Tribology. 41, 3-4, s. 52-53Tutkimustuotos: Artikkeli › Tieteellinen
Advanced utilization of microscopy for Barkhausen noise studies
Santa-aho, S., Honkanen, M., Azzari, L., Kaappa, S., Laurson, L. & Vippola, M., 23 syysk. 2024, s. 35-36. 2 Sivumäärä.Tutkimustuotos: Abstrakti › Tieteellinen
Barkhausen noise with micromagnetic simulations
Kaappa, S., Santa-aho, S., Honkanen, M., Vippola, M. & Laurson, L., 23 syysk. 2024, s. 17-18. 2 Sivumäärä.Tutkimustuotos: Abstrakti › Tieteellinen
Comparison of abrasion wear testing to an in-service feed hopper wear case
Valtonen, K., Saha, G., Kalliosalo, H. & Vippola, M., 11 kesäk. 2024. 1 Sivumäärä.Tutkimustuotos: Abstrakti › Tieteellinen
Direct and Indirect Cavitation-Erosion Assessment of Cold Sprayed Aluminum Alloy/Quasicrystals Composite Coatings: Poster
Jafari, R., Helmi, E., Darut, G., Hallez, L., Gundgire, T., Lehti, J., Metsähonkala, A., Hihn, J.-Y., Planche, M.-P., Honkanen, M., Vippola, M. & Koivuluoto, H., toukok. 2024.Tutkimustuotos: Posteri › Tieteellinen
ICBM15 Conference Proceedings: The 15th International Conference on Barkhausen noise and Micromagnetic testing
Santa-aho, S. (Toimittaja), Honkanen, M. (Toimittaja) & Vippola, M. (Toimittaja), 2024, Tampere University. 61 SivumääräTutkimustuotos: Kokoomateos › Tieteellinen › vertaisarvioitu
Joni Kämäräinen
- Professor
- Signaalinkäsittely
- Faculty of Information Technology and Communication Sciences
- Tampere University
- +358503001851
Imaging expert at TMC

Lucio Azzari
- Project Manager
- Faculty of Engineering and Natural Sciences
- Tampere University

Nataliya Strokina
- Staff Scientist
- Faculty of Information Technology and Communication Sciences
- Tampere University
- +358503496641