Kirjat mm.
Pösö, Tarja, Thoburn, June & Skivenes, Marit (eds.) (2021) Adoption from Care. International Perspectives on Children's Rights, Family Preservation and State Intervention. Bristol: Policy Press.
Biesel, Kay, Masson, Judith, Parton, Nigel & Pösö, Tarja (2020) (eds) Errors and mistakes in child protection. International Discourses, Approaches and Strategies. Bristol: Policy Press.
Hyvärinen, Sauli & Pösö, Tarja (2018) (toim.) Lasten haastattelu lastensuojelussa. Jyväskylä: PS-kustannus.
Burns, Kenneth, Pösö, Tarja & Skivenes, Marit (2017) (eds) Child welfare removals by the state: a cross-country analysis of decision-making systems. New York: Oxford University Press.
Enroos, Rosi, Heino, Tarja & Pösö, Tarja (eds.) (2016) Huostaanotto. Lastensuojelun vaativin tehtävä [Care orders. The most challenging task in child protection). Tampere: Vastapaino.
Skivenes, Marit, Barn, Ravinder, Kriz Katrin & Pösö, Tarja (eds.) (2015) Child Welfare Systems and Migrant Children. New York: Oxford University Press.
Viimeaikaisia artikkeleita mm.
Pösö, Tarja (2023) Is Ethnography Only for Early Career Researchers? In: Amir Marvasti & Jaber F Gubrium( eds) Crafting Ethnographic Fieldwork. Sites, Selves, and Social Worlds. Abingdon: Routledge, 77-92.
Enroos, Rosi, Huhtanen, Raija, Korpinen, Johanna, Pösö, Tarja & Välikoski, Tuula-Riitta (2022) Care order decisions – in the domain of social work or the courts? Social workers’ frontline views. British Journal of Social Work 53(12), 1019-1035.
Pösö, Tarja (2021) Children's consent to child welfare services: Some explorative remarks. Children & Society. DOI. 10.1111/chso.12483
Korpinen, Johanna & Pösö, Tarja (2020) Social workers’ views about children’s and parents’ competence in child protection decision-making. Journal of Social Work DOI:10.1177/1468017320940635
Kalliomaa-Puha, Laura, Pösö, Tarja & Toivonen, Virve (2020) Error correction of restrictive measures: Appeals made by young people in care. Young DOI: 10.1177/1103308820914810
Hestbaek, Anne-Dorthe, Höjer, Ingrid, Pösö, Tarja & Skivenes, Marit (2020) Child welfare removals of infants: Exploring policies and principles for decision-making in Nordic countries. Children and Youth Services Review 108.
Flykt, Marjo, Punamäki, Raija-Leena & Pösö, Tarja (2020) Vauvojen huostaanotto kehityksellisenä ja tutkimusperustaisena kysymyksenä [Care orders of infants as a developmental and research-based topic]. Yhteiskuntapolitiikka 85(3), 293–300.
Pösö, Tarja, Toivonen, Virve-Maria & Kalliomaa-Puha, Laura (2019) “Haluaa kotiin äidin luo”. Erimielisyydet ja lapsen etu huostaanoton jatkamista koskevissa valituksissa ja hallinto-oikeuden ratkaisuissa. Oikeus 3, 226-243.
Hoikkala, Susanna & Pösö, Tarja (2019) The documented layer of children’s rights in care order decision-making. Child & Family Social Work DOI: 10.1111/cfs.12711
Burns K, Kriz K, Krutzinna J, Luhamaa K, Meysen T, Pösö T, Skivenes M and Thoburn J (2019) The hidden proceedings – An analysis of accountability of child protection adoption proceedings in eight European jurisdictions. European Journal of Comparative Law and Governance.
Berrick, Jill, Dickenes, Jonathan, Pösö, Tarja & Skivenes, Marit (2019) Children’s and parents’ involvement in care order proceedings: a cross-national comparison of judicial
decision-makers’ views and experiences. Journal of Social Welfare and Family Law. DOI
Pösö, Tarja (2019) The non-discrimination principle in child protection: a snapshot on a seemingly trivial practice of transitions in care. In: Child Rights and International Discrimination Law: Implementing Article 2 of the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child, ed. By K. Søvig and M. Skivenes. Milton Park: Routledge, 87–100.
Pösö, Tarja (2018) Experts by experience infusing professional practices in child protection. In: Asgeir Falch-Eriksen & Elisabeth Backe-Hansen (eds) Human Rights in Child Protection. Implications for Professional Practice and Policy. Palgrave Macmillan, 111-128.