EduMAP project members at the Asia-Europe Meeting (ASEM) conference 2018

Dr. Natasha Kersh and Associate Professor Hanna Toiviainen were at the ASEM conference ‘Lifelong Learning Policies & Adult Education Professionals: Contextual and Cross-Contextual Comparisons between Europe and Asia’ to share insights from the EduMAP project. Their presentation, ‘The role of adult education in facilitating social inclusion, engagement and active citizenship of vulnerable young adults: insights from the Horizon 2020 project’, was part of the session, ‘Inclusion and Equality’, moderated by Professor Mike Osborne from the University of Glasgow.

The aim of the conference was to analyze professionalism in the intersection of international educational policy research and research on professionalization in adult education by taking an international comparative approach. The conference was hosted by the Julius Maximilian University of Würzburg in Germany and was chaired by Professor Regina Egetenmeyer.

The concurrently organized multiplier event, International Winter School of the Comparative Analysis in Adult and Lifelong Learning, provided an interesting “good practice” in the field and offered interaction with an international group of students.

What is ASEM?

The ASEM Education and Research Hub for Lifelong Learning (ASEM LLL Hub) was launched in Copenhagen in May 2005. The network promotes dialogue between researchers, practitioners, and policy makers in order to create foundations for evidence-based educational reforms. The Hub is composed of Asian and European universities that are involved in lifelong learning research and supportive of inter-regional exchanges and co-operative efforts.



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