A total of 40 ‘good practice’ cases from 20 countries were studied during the project. Examples of good practices have been sought in the EU and Turkey. This section presents key features of all good practices studied in the project.

Click on the links to read and download the case sheets.
Country |
Good Practice |
AUSTRIA | ”Support Programme for Young People to Identify their Personal and Professional Paths” |
CYPRUS | ”Migrants Centre” |
DENMARK | ”Young Refugee Integration Programme” |
ESTONIA | ”Work Embedded Vocational Education” |
FINLAND | ”Preparatory Education for VET” |
FRANCE | ”Second Chance Schools” |
GERMANY | ”Youth Integration Courses” |
GREECE | ”Roma Action Plan”
”VET for long-term Unemployed” ”Non-formal Education for the Homeless” |
HUNGARY | ”Ethnic Minority Colleges” |
IRELAND | ”Informal Participation Project on Barriers in Education and Employment for Ethnic Minority Young People” |
ITALY | ”VET for Young Unemployed” |
LATVIA | ”Validation of Informal Learning” |
MALTA | ”VET for NEETs” |
NETHERLANDS | ”Coding Skills Development Programme” |
PORTUGAL | ”Entrepreneurship VET” |
ROMANIA | “VET programme” |
SPAIN | “Labour Integration Programme” |
SWEDEN | ”Labour Integration Programme” |
TURKEY | ”Integrated Community Centre for Syrian Refugees” |
UNITED KINGDOM | ”Mentoring Programme” |
[…] Please note that these working papers refer to country-based adult education programmes that are listed and described here. […]
EduMAP country-based working papers | EduMAP
4.2.2019 11:42