AMETIST research team is represented in the upcoming European Space Power Conference 2019 with four presentations on Tuesday 1st of October. Arto Aho will give an oral presentation titled “High Efficiency Lattice-Matched 4J Space Solar Cells on GaAs” and Timo Aho will present a study with the title “Back Reflector with Diffractive Gratings for Light-Trapping in Thin-Film III-V Solar Cells”. Riku Isoaho and Marianna Raappana will present their studies titled “Narrow Bandgap Dilute Nitride Materials for 6-junction Space Solar Cells” and “Performance of Solar Cell Grids based on Ag, Au, and Al for Cost-Effective Manufacturing”, respectively, as poster presentations. All the studies will be published as conference proceeding articles.
Four presentations in the 12th European Space Power Conference in Juan-les-Pins, France