Changing University Institution and Equalities in Academic Work
Presentation of the project and the research group
We study changes in academic work in the framework of restructuring of university institution. When investigating the changes, we ask, what are the terms and conditions for decent academic work in university institution, and, thus, we investigate the structural reforms and reorganisation of universities for framing the research on the changes of academic work. Our perspective for studying academic work is equality as a multidimensional phenomenon, in other words equalities. Academic work is related to academic career trajectories because some of the tasks promote advancement into higher positions. Tenure track – system has been applied for providing a systematic trajectory for the academic career, but at the same time, it has excluded part of academic personnel. We study the changes in academic work in three case universities, which have restructured. We focus on the experiences and views of leaders / mangers and academic staff in research and teaching.
Research group
Tampere University
Work Research Centre
Leader of the research project, Adjunct Professor, Senior Research Fellow Arja Haapakorpi arja.haapakorpi@tuni.fi
Ph.D. Postdoctoral Researcher Minna Leinonen, Ph.D. Postdoctoral researcher Petra Auvinen -2021, M. Ed., Researcher Katriina Tapanila, 2022 –
Tampere Centre for Knowledge, Science, Technology and Innovation Studies TASTI
Adjunct Professor, Research Director Oili-Helena Ylijoki
Ph.D., Postdoctoral Researcher Petra Auvinen
University of Turku, Department of Education, Centre for Research on Lifelong Learning and Education CELE
Professor Arto Jauhiainen
Ph. D., Lecturer Annukka Jauhiainen
Adjunct Professor, University Lecturer Anne Laiho
M. Ed., Researcher Raakel Plamper, contact person in CELE, rmpell@utu.fi
Funding: Government’s analysis, assessment and research activities