XR-SPACE year 2024 took off at the Finnair Flight Academy

A view through the windscreen of a flight simulator.

This year´s first XR-SPACE consortium meeting was held in mid-February at the Finnair Flight Academy in Vantaa. Beside the session representatives of project partners had an opportunity to explore Flight Academy´s safety training center and flight simulators.

Evacuation slide ready for operation.Consortium partners presented case statuses and planned next steps at the technical meeting after which they could attend a tour at Flight Academy´s premises.

At the safety training center Finnair cabin staff can prepare for all possible safety issues. For instance, there is a fire simulator where the personnel train to extinguish different kind of cabin fires.




A man sitting in the flight simulator and flying the plane.

The most anticipated sight to visit was a flight simulatorwhere partner representatives were able to fly an airplane.

– Taking off from the Helsinki-Vantaa airport was a wonderful experience, praised Markku Turunen, head of the XR-SPACE project.


Next stop: XR pilot training

A man wearing XR glasses is sitting on a chair and watching a screen and a picture on it.


Finnair Flight Academy will also act as an active project venue this year: studies on XR pilot training will be conducted in Academy’s premises during this Spring. Stay tuned!

Photos by Katariina Saarela and Markku Turunen.