Finnair seeks XR solution for pilot training

A photo made by AI in which a female pilot wearing XR glasess is flying a plane.

Finnair is one of the XR-SPACE project partners – what is Finnair`s goal within the project? Arto Helovuo, airline captain and Head of Compliance and Business Development at Finnair sheds light on the matter.

Within the XR-SPACE project Finnair is testing together with Tampere University Computer-Human Interaction Research Center and Helsinki XR Center of Metropolia UAS an XR solution for pilot training. The goal is to bridge the theoretical training and the simulated training seamlessly.

– When the trainee has completed some theoretical training online or in a classroom and before he moves on to the actual flight simulator, including the full resembled aircraft cockpit and all the fancy features of the full flight simulator, there is an intermediate stage where the pilot is familiarized to certain devices and basic procedures of operating the aircraft. And this is the training phase for which we are trying to build an XR solution, Arto Helovuo explains.

Three pilots are sitting in a flight simulator, two of them are flying the plane, a third pilot is sitting behind these two and oversees their activities.

That training content in question needs now to be partly trained in a full flight simulator, of which capacity is limited. Simulation training is also fairly expensive way to train because all the features of the full flight simulator are not required.

– So that’s why we try to offload that training from the full flight simulator to a lighter training device and supplement it with XR. Then we could probably more and more do some parts of the training out of the actual simulator and thereby expand our training volumes without need of more simulator capacity, states Helovuo.

Lengthy process

Within the XR space project Finnair is studying the opportunities of using XR solutions and developing a road map for the actual product development. The finished product lies on the horizon, a couple of years ahead from today.

– It will take a while to develop a full-blown product, but we will have this prototype which is produced during this project which enables us to test certain scenarios in that solution and to gain experience on and how it works. Only after that we can specify more detailed what training content can be in the future delivered using the XR based solutions, Helovuo clarifies the process.

Several synergies

Helovuo praises the XR-SPACE project team, he finds it to be a very productive and very inspiring cluster to work with. He believes that there are many synergies between the players in the project.

– I’m looking forward to have a more and more also cross industrial discussion on how we can employ XR in the future and train professionals with it also in other fields than in aviation, Helovuo summarises his thoughts.

Got interested? Want to know more?

Contact Arto Helovuo, Head of Compliance and Business Development: arto.helovuo(at)

Photos by Katariina Saarela (AI generated) and Finnair.