

The past years in technological and digital developments have been revolutionary. Digitalization is a significant trend that has a comprehensive impact on our everyday life. The rapid emergence of artificial intelligence, especially in the form of generative AI applications, has astonished many, although AI has been utilized in the workplace for a long time. However, now for the first time, AI applications are easily accessible and manageable to large groups of people. This marks the most significant technological change since the advent of the internet. Ever-adapting and advancing AI and new technologies will be a central part of future work life.


The AI Disruption at Work -project produces innovative and timely research on the Finnish work life. Our study investigates social psychological and individual factors that both support and challenge organizations and employees amidst AI disruption at the workplace. We examine workers’ attitudes towards AI and its usage, as well as the differences in attitudes across different sectors and individuals. We also survey employees’ social psychological resources that could be leveraged in adapting to AI disruption.


Our study provides valuable information on Finnish employees’ use of AI applications and attitudes towards AI. We offer a timely description of AI usage in the Finnish work life, while also providing a first-hand perspective on employees’ well-being amidst the AI disruption.
The results of the study will help to explore solutions to the challenges posed by AI in the workplace and identify ways to ensure the well-being of employees and recognize factors that support their well-being in this new situation.

Our study produces the Employee AI Resilience Model, which describes the factors and resources that help employees adapt to the new situation. The model distinguishes between subjective, intersubjective, and social factors.


This study is funded by the Finnish Work Environment Fund 2024–2026.