Peer-reviewed publications:
Lepistö, E. & Pyyhtinen, O. (accepted for publication) Affective Encounters with Waste: The Role of Affects in Trash Activism. Ethnography.
Lampinen, S.; Pyyhtinen, O. & Uusitalo, N. (accepted for publication) What Remains: Representing the Absence-Presence of Waste with Gifts and Excess. In D. Zielger et al. (eds) The Presence of Exchange – GIFT in Artistic Research and Beyond.
Pyyhtinen, O. & Meskus, M. (forthcoming) Relationality in Posthuman Feminism. In F. Vandenberghe & C. Papilloud (eds) New Directions in Relational Sociology, vol 2. Palgrave MacMillan.
Martinez, F. (in press) Peripheristan. In Anti-Atlas. UCL Press.
Martinez, F.; Criado, T. & Berglund, E. (in press) Acts of Re-Design: For an Anthropology of Field Interventions. Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute.
Martinez, F. (in press) Mutual redefinitions: Anthropology as a practice and as a discipline. Social Anthropology.
Martinez, F.; Vonderau, A.; Brkovic, C. & Saleh, E. (in press) Anthropology in Europe: Re-turns, Entanglements and Generations. In Europe(s). Berghahn.
Martinez, F. & Laviolette, P. (in press) Four-wheeled Hospitality. Hitchhacking and Passenger Ethnography. In Etnologia Europeae.
Pyyhtinen, O.; Onali, A. & Zavos, S. (in press) Waste as Posthuman Critique. In H. Corvellec (ed) Waste as a Critique. Oxford University Press.
Martinez, F. & Errázuriz, T. (2024) With and without Things. An Introduction. Home Cultures.
Martinez, F. (2024) Remaining without preservation: The unfitness of Kino Rodina as zombie heritage. In Ambivalent Heritage. Bloomsbury.
Pyyhtinen, O. & Zavos, S. (2024) Containment and leakage: notes on a general containerology. Theory, Culture & Society.
Pyyhtinen, O. (2024) Against Common Sense: On the Utopian Aspect of Concepts. Human Studies.
Zavos, S. & Pyyhtinen, O. (2024) The Limits of Waste as a Resource: A Critique and a Proposition Towards a New Scalar Imagination for the Circular Economy Model. Cambridge Journal of Regions, Economy and Society.
Zavos, S, Lehtokunnas, T., & Pyyhtinen, O. (2024) The (Missing) Social Aspect of the Circular Economy: A Review of Social Scientific Articles. Sustainable Earth Reviews.
Martinez, F. (2024) Lights out: practices opacity in Estonian basements. etnográfica 28(1).
Pyyhtinen, O., Zavos, S., Onali, A., Sutinen, U.-M. & Uusitalo, N. (2023) The decaying stuff of the Anthropocene: exploring contemporary trashscapes through ruination. Digithum (Special Issue ‘Thinking through ruination: theoretical and empirical approaches to the ruins of the Anthropocene’).
Pyyhtinen, O. (2023) Living with Unruly Waste: On More-than-Human Relations. In A. Franklin (ed) The Routledge International Handbook of More-than-Human Studies. Routledge.
Martinez, F. (2023) Time to fix: repair heuristics in Estonia and Portugal. etnográfica 27(3)
Sutinen, U.-M. & Närvänen, E. (2023) Grocery Retailers’ Approaches to Discussion on the Food Waste Issue on Social Media. In K. Bäckström et al. (eds.) The Future of Consumption: How Technology, Sustainability and Wellbeing will Transform Retail and Customer Experience. Palgrave Macmillan.
Olsson, T.; Pyyhtinen, O.; Rantasila, A.; Laaksonen, S.-M.; Vigren, M.; Ylipulli, J. & Shawney, N. (2023) A User-Centered Lens into Digital Excess: Exploring the Superfluity and Environmental Burden of the Digital World. LIMITS, Ninth Computing within Limits 2023.
Lehtokunnas, T. & Pyyhtinen, O. (2023) Biowaste as Fluid Matter: Valuing Biogas and Biofertilisers as Assets in the Finnish Biogas Sector. Journal of Cultural Economy.
Pyyhtinen, O., & Lehtonen, T.-K. (2023). The gift of waste: The diversity of gift practices among dumpster divers. Anthropological Theory 23(2), 209-231.
Non-refereed publications:
Martinez, F. (2024) LUGEMINE HILISSTIILIS [Late Style Reading]. Vikerkaar, 9: 36-44.
Pyyhtinen, O. (2024) Hyvinvointiteknologia-hype kohtaa hoivan käytännöt [Welfare Technology Hype Meets Practices of Care]. Sosiologia 61(2): 133-135.
Onali, A. (2023) Sitä ei voi kiertää. Ylioppilaslehti, 30.11.2023.
Fransisco, M. (2023) Cómo curar (y cuidar) de nuestras preguntas etnográficas de forma colaborativa y experimental [How to curate (and take care of) our ethnographic questions in a collaborative and experimental way]. Xcol, 23.10.2023.
Pyyhtinen, O. (2022) Sosiologian vieraanvaraisuus ja ulossuljettu kolmas [The Hospitality of Sociology and the Excluded Third]. Sosiologia 59(4): 317-322.
Pyyhtinen, O.; N. Uusitalo; U.-M. Sutinen; S. Zavos & A.Onali (2022). Jätteen jäljillä [On the traces of waste). Politiikasta, 8.11.2022.
Lampinen, S. (2024) Onkalon turvallisuus: ydinjätteen hallittavuuden rakentaminen Onkalon turvallisuusperustelussa. [The Safety of Onkalo: Constructing the Management of Nuclear Waste in Onkalo’s the Safety Case Portfolio.] Master’s thesis, Sociology. Tampere University.
Lepistö, E. (2024) “Roskapussi päivässä pitää dystopian loitolla”: Etnografinen tutkimus roska-aktivismista Suomessa. [‘A trash bag a day keeps dystopia at bay’: An ethnographic study on waste activism in Finland.] Master’s thesis, Sociology. Tampere University.
Väisänen, M. (2024) Yhdyskuntien sekajätteen koostumus ja lajittelukäytännöt : Asuinaluekohtainen tarkastelu. [Composition and sorting practices of mixed municipal waste – Residential area-specific study.] Master of Science Thesis. Tampere University.
Talks and conference presentations:
Pyyhtinen, O. & Martinez, F. (2025) Garbography: Waste Matter as Asemic Writing? The European Congress of Qualitative Inquiry 2025, Edinburgh, 10 January.
Lepistö, E. & Pyyhtinen, O. (2025) Affective Encounters with Trash Power. The European Congress of Qualitative Inquiry 2025, Edinburgh, 9 January.
Pyyhtinen, O. & Lampinen, S. (2024) Experimenting with the Absence-Presence of Waste. Redesigning the Social through Ethnographic Experimentation seminar, Helsinki, 4 Nov.
Lehtokunnas, T., Uusitalo, N., Sutinen, U.-M. & Onali, A. (2024) Multisensory ways of knowing in a waste composition study: Identifying a chain of translation. DASTS conference 2024, 6 June.
Martinez, F. (2024) Asemic Library between Gift and Waste. GIFTS/PRESENTS/PRESENCE Conference, Helsinki, 6 June.
Lampinen, S.; Pyyhtinen, O. & Uusitalo, N. (2024) Garbo-asemics: the givenness of waste as material data. GIFTS/PRESENTS/PRESENCE Conference, Helsinki, 6 June.
Pyyhtinen, O. (2024) Leaky realities of waste management: notes on containment as a spatio-temporal technology. A talk at the University of Edinburgh, 24 April.
Zavos, S. & Pyyhtinen, O. (2024). Leaky re(lation)alities: Containment, leakage, interiority and exteriority. Leakage – Inaugural Conference of stsing, TU Dresden, 22 March.
Sutinen, U.-M. (2024). Short and long, quick and slow: Waste streams within our homes. The annual sociological conference, University of Eastern Finland, Finland, 21 March.
Martinez, F. (2024) Narva Venice, or How the Estonian Frontier Has a View into the Garages. The annual sociological conference, University of Eastern Finland, Finland, 21 March.
Martinez, F. (2024) War Phantasms: Military and Nuclear Waste in Eastern Estonia. Nordic Archaeology & Heritage, Turku, Finland, 8 March.
Martinez, F. (2024) Exhibitions and Interdisciplinary Collaborations. A talk at University of the Arts, Helsinki, Finland, 2 Feb.
Martinez, F. (2024). All of us strangers. Anthropology as a discipline and as a practice. A talk at University of Lisbon, Portugal, 19 Jan.
Lehtokunnas, T., Onali, A., Sutinen, U.-M., Uusitalo, N., & Väisänen, M. (2024) Getting our hands dirty: A journey to bodily ways of knowing waste. Presentation at 7th European Congress of Qualitative Inquiry Conference, Helsinki University, Finland, 10 Jan.
Pyyhtinen, O. (2023) Displacements between gift, poison, and waste: bringing art and scholarship into dialogue. Displaced gifts, Tampere University, 30 Nov.
Martinez, F. (2023) Gifts in the Shadows: Offerings Stored Between Past and Future. Displaced gifts, Tampere University, 30 Nov.
Pyyhtinen, O. (2023) Object Lessons: Knowing with Waste. A talk in the Department talks series of the Sociology unit, University of Helsinki, 14 Nov.
Martinez, F. (2023) New Hideouts for an Old Fear. Bunkers, Military Waste and War Phantasms in Eastern Estonia. Old Roads and New Routes: Geopolitical Shifts in Eastern Europe, Oxford University, 14 Nov.
Zavos, S. & Pyyhtinen, O. (2023) Containment and leakage: towards a general Containerology. 4S (Society for Social Studies of Science), Honolulu, 9 Nov.
Martinez, F. (2023) Keeping Things in the Dark. An Ethnography of Basements in Eastern Estonia. A talk at the Anthropology unit, University of Helsinki, 20 Oct.
Martinez, F. & Hector, P. (2023) Public interest design: An outwards and inwards reflection on the social in design and its impact. EAD Design Conference., Aalto University, 19 Oct.
Martinez, F. (2023) The Problem Is Bigger than the Hole. Mining Craters in Eastern Estonia. Rīga Stradiņš University, 29 Sept.
Sutinen, U.-M. (2023) Everyday practices entangled with household waste. Presentation at the International Interdisciplinary Conference on Human Factors, Design and Education for Sustainability, Universitas Katolik Parahyangan, Bandung, Indonesia, 14 August 2023. (Online)
Pyyhtinen, O.; Onali, A.; Sutinen, U.-M.; Uusitalo, N. & Zavos, S. (2023) Waste as posthuman critique. Presentation at the Opening the Bin 3 Conference, Lancaster University, UK, 16 June 2023.
Zavos, S. & Pyyhtinen O. (2023) Beyond micro & macro: a multi-scalar approach to studying waste. Presentation at the Opening the Bin 3 Conference, Lancaster University, UK, 16 June 2023.
Onali, A. (2023) Knowing-with plastic: How to deal with inorganic waste materialities in more-than-human ethnography. Presentation at the Opening the Bin 3 Conference, Lancaster University, UK, 15 June 2023.
Sutinen, U.-M. (2023) Tracing household waste: A practice theoretical approach. Presentation at the Opening the Bin 3 Conference, Lancaster University, UK, 15 June 2023.
Zavos, S. & Pyyhtinen, O. (2023) Containment and leakage: towards a general containerology. Invited talk at the University of Manchester, Manchester, UK, 14 June 2023.
Onali, A.; Pyyhtinen, O.; Sutinen, U.-M.; Uusitalo, N. & Zavos, S. (2023) Waste as New Materialist Critique. Presentation at the annual sociology conference of the Westermarck Society, Tampere University, Finland, 24 March, 2023.
Lehtonen, T.-K. & Pyyhtinen, O. (2023) Why study voluntary dumpster diving? Presentation at the annual sociology conference of the Westermarck Society, Tampere University, Finland, 24 March, 2023.
Onali, A. (2023) Becoming-with plastics: How to deal with inorganic waste materialities in more-than-human research practices. Presentation at the Biennal Conference of the Finnish Anthropological Society organised in Rovaniemi, Finland, 22 March.
Sutinen, U.-M. (2023) Nature/culture of household food/waste. Presentation at the Biennal Conference of the Finnish Anthropological Society organised in Rovaniemi, Finland, 22 March.
Pyyhtinen, O. & Zavos, S. (2023) Garbography: knowing with waste. Presentation at the Biennal Conference of the Finnish Anthropological Society organised in Rovaniemi, Finland, 22 March.
Pyyhtinen, O. (2023) The Waste Paradox: On Conflicting Modes of Valuing Waste. Keynote at the 11th annual Responsible Business Research Seminar organised at Tampere University, Finland, 16 March.
Pyyhtinen, O. (2022) Acquiring the Scavenger Gaze: Active Passion in Dumpster Diving. Presentation at the Finnish Association of Consumer Research autumn seminar organised in Helsinki, Finland, 18 Nov.
Onali, A. (2022) Becoming-sober as a posthuman, plastic-related subjectivity. Presentation at the Finnish Association of Consumer Research autumn seminar organised in Helsinki, Finland, 18 Nov.
Pyyntinen, O. (2022). Ontology of Waste: How Does Waste Make the Social? Guest lecture at Yuanpei College, Beijing University, China. 3 Nov. (Online)
Pyyhtinen, O. (2022): Leaky Realities of Waste: A Broken World Perspective on the Circular Economy. Online presentation at the Re-opening the circle: an interdisciplinary perspective into the Circular Economy workshop organized in Milan, Italy. 15 Sept.
Panels, workshops, and events organised
Roskakamari. A panel organised at Tieteen päivät in Helsinki, 12 Jan, 2025. (Chair: Sonja Lampinen.)
Redesigning the Social through Ethnographic Experimentation. A seminar organised in Helsinki, 4 Nov, 2024. (Organiser: Francisco Martinez.)
Sociology of Waste. A panel organised at the annual sociology conference of the Westermarck Society, Tampere University, Finland, 21 March, 2024. (Coordinators: Taru Lehtokunnas and Alma Onali.)
Wasteful Entanglements – More-than-Human Methodologies in Relation with Waste Studies. A Dream Team session organised at ECQI2024, 7th European Congress of Qualitative Inquiry. Helsinki, Finland, 11 Jan 2024.
Displaced Gifts. An event organised by the Meanings and Workings of the Gift and WasteMatters projects together with the Relational Studies Hub at Tampere University, Finland, 30 Nov 2023.
Following waste flows: On more-than-human methodologies. An event organised by the WasteMatters and DECAY projects at Tampere University, Finland, 21 Sept 2023.
Sociology of Waste. A panel organised at the annual sociology conference of the Westermarck Society, Tampere University, Finland, 24 March, 2023. (Coordinators: Olli Pyyhtinen, Niina Uusitalo, and Stylianos Zavos)
Waste and Excess in Everyday Consumption. A workshop organised at the Finnish Association of Consumer Research autumn seminar, Helsinki, Finland, 18th Nov, 2022. (Organisers: Ulla-Maija Sutinen together with Taru Lehtokunnas)
Talks for the general public
Pyyhtinen, O. (2023) Examining Society through the Lens of Waste. A short talk at the Science Slush event, Tampere University, 9 May.
Artistic works
Lampinen, S.; Pyyhtinen, O. & Uusitalo, N. (2024) ‘What Remains?’ A video installation exhibited at the GIFTS/PRESENTS/PRESENCE exhibition, Cable Factory (Kaapelitehdas), Helsinki, 6 – 15 June.
Pyyhtinen, O. (2023) Jätettyä. [A selection of poems in Finnish.] Jalokiviä & kiikareita, No. 1: pp. 3-8.