Selected Scientific Publications
Heikki Kokko & Minna Harjula (2024). Towards a socio-cultural history of experiences: A theoretical-methodological framework. Cultural History Volume 13 Supplement 2024, 74-99.
Pertti Haapala, Minna Harjula & Heikki Kokko (eds.) (2024). Experience, Culture and Society: New Insights into Historical Analysis. Cultural History Special Issue Volume 13 Supplement 2024. Edinburgh University Press.
Pertti Haapala, Minna Harjula & Heikki Kokko (2024). Introduction. Cultural History Volume 13 Supplement 2024, 1-9.
Kokko, Heikki (2024). Village gossip or voice of the people? The culture of letters to the press in the grasp of transnational ideologies in mid-1800s Finland. In Kortti, Jukka & Kurvinen, Heidi (eds). Mediated Ideologies. Nordic Views on the History of the Press and Media Cultures. Vernon Press, 3-20.
Kokko, Heikki. (2023). The Construction of Early Social Citizenship: The Lived Institution of Poor Relief in Mid-Nineteenth-Century Finland. In: Annola, J., Lindberg, H., Markkola, P. (eds) Lived Institutions as History of Experience. Palgrave Studies in the History of Experience. Palgrave Macmillan, Cham.
Kokko, Heikki & Harjula, Minna. (2023). Social history of experiences: a theoretical-methodological approach. Teoksessa P. Haapala, M. Harjula & H. Kokko (toim.) Experiencing society and the lived welfare state. Palgrave Macmillan, Cham.
Haapala, Pertti & Harjula, Minna & Kokko, Heikki (2023). Introduction. Teoksessa P. Haapala, M. Harjula & H. Kokko (toim.) Experiencing society and the lived welfare state. Palgrave Macmillan, Cham.
Haapala, Pertti & Harjula, Minna & Kokko, Heikki eds. (2023). Experiencing Society and the Lived Welfare State. Palgrave Macmillan, Cham.
Harjula, Minna & Kokko, Heikki (2022). The Scene of Experience. Digital Handbook of the History of Experience.
Kokko, Heikki. (2021). From Local to Translocal Experience: The Nationwide Culture of Letters to the Press in Mid-1800s Finland . Media History 2021.
Kokko Heikki. (2021). Temporalization of Experiencing: First-Hand Experience of the Nation in Mid-Nineteenth Century Finland , In: Kivimäki V., Suodenjoki S., Vahtikari T. (eds) Lived Nation as the History of Experiences and Emotions in Finland, 1800-2000. Palgrave Studies in the History of Experience. Palgrave Macmillan, Cham.
Heikki Kokko, Translocalis database. National Library of Finland’s digital data 2023. Read on 9 February 2023.