Fourth issue of the Nasreddin newspaper by Olga Jitlina and Anna Tereshkina published

Olga Jitlina and Anna Tereshkina have produced a fourth issue of the Nasreddin in Russia newspaper as part of the activities of the project “Making Spaces of Justice Across the East-West divide”. The newspaper is an art project analysing and discussing labour migration from Central Asia to St. Petersburg.

Through jokes and drawings, the newspapers tell stories about how Nasreddin Hodja, a folk character renowned for his wit and talent for getting out of troubles, went to work in Russia. Hodja Nasreddin is a trickster known across Middle East, Turkey, Russia…

The Nasreddin newspaper has been produced in cooperation with labour migrants from Central Asia residing in St. Petersburg. Jitlina, Tereshkina and local labour migrants met in cafes, teahouses and courtyards. They tried to imagine together how Nasreddin Hodja and his sister – a character invented by the group – would react to situations in which migrant workers often end up. In the newspapers, the fruits of these meetings and a contest to find the best Nasreddin joke are published together with Anna Tereshkina’s sketches and comics, with dialogue supplied by the contestants. For the fourth issue of the paper, Jitlina and Tereshkina also made a field trip to Central Asia to meet the families of St. Petersburg’s labour migrants.

Click on the newspaper to view a copy of it.



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