Publication: "Escaping a migrant metropolis: Post-Soviet urbanization through the art project Nasreddin in Russia" 8.7.2020 Yleinen
Publication: "The paradoxes of the Biennale" by Julia Bethwaite and Anni Kangas published in OnCurating 26.6.2020 Yleinen
"Spaces of justice" participates in the launch of the 5th issue of Nasreddin in Russia 18.12.2019 Yleinen
Seminar: Creative approaches to social research: boundaries between academia, art and activism (22 January 2019, St. Petersburg) 10.1.2019 Yleinen
Publication: "Smashing containers, queering the international through collaging" published in International Feminist Journal of Politics 28.11.2018 Yleinen
Marja-Liisa Torniainen: "Kukaan ei ole saari", Galleria Pihatto, 3.-28. huhtikuuta 2018 5.4.2018 Yleinen
Olga Jitlina: Translation, 3 May 2018, 19:00, TTT Kellariteatteri, Hämeenpuisto 28, Tampere 19.3.2018 Yleinen