Work packages

PerCard project- Work Package PERT diagram

WP 1. Clinical Research and Validation

Leader: Centro Cardiologico Monzino

WP1 goals are to define and implement the clinical research actions on prognostics and diagnostics for CVD using retrospective and prospective data, as well as to co-ordinate the objective validation of thePerCard AI&ML methods and of the decision support solution.

Specifically, WP1 will:

  • Retrospectively harmonize and analyse the clinical data already at disposal.
  • Prospectively collect clinical data to be used to validate the PerCard system.

WP2. New information discovery using AI and ML

Leader: Politecnico di Milano

WP2 objective is to develop signal processing and AI/ML methods and digital biomarkers derivation for advanced utilization of ECG and multivariable information in diagnosis and prognosis of CVD.

More specifically, WP2 will:

  • Clarify the varying relationships between data (raw ECG and/or derived features) and phase of the physical activity and use them as new indexes for patient stratification.
  • Analyse and derive new quantitative digital biomarkers from ECG data where features are obtained with various approaches.
  • Integrate all the information above into a fully-
    informative, explainable multi-factorial predictor.

WP3. Personalized CVD Decision Support in Clinical Practice

Leader: Tampere University

WP3 will implement and deploy a decision support software tool incorporating algorithms developed within WP2. The work is done in continuous tight co-operation with WP4. Emphasis is put on guaranteeing that the developed system can be deployed and evaluated in different settings, also after the formal project end.

More specifically, WP3 will:

  • Define the requirements for guaranteeing a clinically useful decision support system.
  • Integrate and implement selected algorithms from WP2 into software modules with technical interfaces and user interfaces.
  • Integrate the modules as a package and deploy for further validation and use,
  • Prepare for post-project availability.

WP4. Ethical, Legal and Societal Aspects (ELSA)

Leader: Protestant University of Applied Sciences Ludwigsburg

WP4 aims to achieve acceptability for AI-based applications in/for cardiovascular medicine in society. WP4 interacts with all other work packages throughout the project.
Specifically, WP4 will:

  • Investigate ELSA aspects of PerCard. integrate the results into the project.
  • Issue recommendations for future practice regarding responsible research and innovation (RRI).