In English

The aim of the project Paths of multicultural guidance is to build a comprehensive guidance career path for immigrants and those working with immigrants in different environments. The learning and career path is based on continuous learning, is built on micro-competences, and
the development of competences is verified by competence badges. Another goal, closely related to the previous one, is to strengthen the quality and profession of information, guidance and counseling work (IGC) aimed at immigrants, for which a continuous learning development program is produced.

The key measures of the project are:

1. Identifying and mapping the level of the quality of guidance expertise of IGC-professionals as
well as identifying the areas for improvement.

2. Evaluation of the pedagogical solutions of the national online training program (named
MAUNO) and the suitability of the training material for professionals guiding immigrants in
different environments and producing recommendations for the pedagogically wise use of the
MAUNO training.

3. Developing a long-term continuous learning development recomendations for the use of
information, counseling and guidance work aimed at immigrants produced together with actors
in the field.

4. Developing a continuous learning training package for immigrants aiming for counseling and
guidance work or already working there, as well as for all professionals guiding or counselling
immigrants. A novel multiform training package enables career paths in the field of guidance and
counseling, especially for immigrants.

5. Creating a family of competence badges to verify the development of guidance competences.

The need for the project is based on the fact that as the number of immigrants increases, so does the need for guidance among them. The project is preparing IGC-professionals to face the comprehensive reform of the Integration Act, which will enter into force on January 1, 2025. It is necessary to strengthen the capabilities of those working in the guidance sector to meet the needs of diverse customers. There is a need for counselors who have personal experience with immigration and, on the other hand, knowledge of Finnish society and counseling concepts and practices. However, access to formal education in the field of guidance and counseling is difficult for people with foreign background. This is since the concept of guidance as a profession is not known everywhere in the world, and education in the field may not have been available in the country of origin. Further, natives working with immigrants need better understanding of culturally different concepts of guidance, psychosocial processes related to migration, the influence of language and culture on guidance.

The project is implemented by Tampere University of Applied Sciences TAMK, with the City of Tampere and Tampere Adult Education Center as partners. In addition, cooperation is carried out with Tampere Settlement Association.


Funder: European Social Fund Plus



Yulia Sergeeva, Project Manager

Outi Rantanen, Specialist

Tarja Juurakko-Koskinen, Specialist


City of Tampere

Mani Maroufzadeh, Project Manager


Tampere Adult Education Centre TAKK

Mari Poikolainen, Specialist