Philosophy & Psychology

Theories of Consciousness and Loneliness by Ben Lazare Mijuskovic


“We are lonely from the cradle to the grave—and perhaps beyond.”
(Joseph Conrad, An Outcaste of the Islands, 1896)

“Each man is like a nautilus, who lives in a house of his own making, and carries it around on his back.”
(Brand Blanshard, The Nature of Thought, 1939)

There is a distinction between theoretical research and practical application. Theoretical knowledge teaches the reasoning, the techniques, and the theory supporting the knowledge. By contrast, practical knowledge is gained by doing things; it is based on real life endeavors, situations, and tasks. For example, Freud’s writings elucidate his psychoanalytic theory and his teachings, while his therapeutic sessions were applications of his theory. Similarly, when I write articles and books about loneliness, I am creating a theory. And when I function as a therapist, I am applying and practicing my theory. Theory always precedes practice.

In what follows, I wish to establish four themes:

First theme: that all human beings are innately lonely; that the fear of loneliness is the universal existential condition of each of us, which motivates us in all our feelings, thoughts, and endeavors.

Second theme: why this is so, and I offer a theory of consciousness that assumes the mind is both immaterial and active; reflexively self-conscious (Kant) and transcendently intentional (Husserl).

Third theme: the consequences of loneliness, which directly involve the dynamics of hostility, anxiety, and depression leading to both destructive and self-destructive behaviors.

Fourth theme: what can be done about it; its remedies in terms of positively promoting empathy, which serves as the means to secure intimacy as its result.

Read the full article here.