New publication of the project!

book cover of Vertavuotava kuva

The book ”Verta vuotava kuva ja muita outoja ihmeitä. Eletty usko myöhäiskeskiajalla” (”The Bleeding Image and other Strange Miracles. Lived Religion in the Late Middle Ages”) by Sari Katajala-Peltomaa, Jenni Kuuliala and Marika Räsänen (Gaudeamus 2022) is out now! The book, written in Finnish, examines miracle accounts that were somehow surprising or exceptional for a modern reader but also in their medieval context. It argues that miracle narrations are eminently suitable material to study how induvial aspects, like bodily elements, senses and emotions, were entangled with official liturgy, politics and power struggles within religion-as-lived.

More information on the publisher’s website:

See also the presentation of the book in Aamulehti 1.3.2022 and review in I

Jenni Kuuliala has presented the book in an interview by Sari Valto 15.2. Yle Radio 1, Areena Audio

and the volume has been presented in the program Riston valinta – Risto Nordell Areena Audio

and in Horisontti

and here

and in Kirkko ja kaupunki 7/2022

Iltalehti 26.5.