Fruits of summer seminars

Project members have been busy with conference participation and presentations.

27.5.2022 Project organized with TUCEMEMS and Trivium Landscapes of Devotion colloquium in Turku. Presentations by Sofia Lahti: Fragments of Lived Religion: Mapping Saints and Tracking Iconoclash. Anna-Stina Hägglund and Sari Katajala-Peltomaa participated in the panel discussion: Landscapes of devotion – new approaches to the study of saints, materiality and religion

4.-7.7.2022 IMC Leeds, double sessions with project ‘Heilige und Helden von der Christianisierung bis zum Nationalismus: Symbole, Bilder, Erinnerung (Nord-West Russland, baltische und nordische Länder)’, Universität Greifswald. Our presentations:

Anna-Stina Hägglund: St Birgitta and the Merchants: Brigittine Monasteries across the Baltic Sea in Testamentary Bequests

Sari Katajala-Peltomaa: Sponsa Christi and Beata mater nostra: Birgitta in the Feast Day Sermons of Vadstena Abbey

2-5.8. 2022, ISCH conference, Verona, “Cultures of Belief and Unbelief”

Anna-Stina Hägglund: Adopted nuns and the community of benefactors at the Birgittine monastery Nådendal

17.-19.8., Tampere, Passages from Antiquity to the Middle Ages: Experiencing Space

Anna-Stina Hägglund (together with Marko Lamberg & Piotr Kołodziejczak): Speaking of space in religious terms: an empirical comparison between five late-medieval towns

12.-13.8.2022 Project’s excursion to Kemiö-Parainen-Sauvo to study context of medieval churches and plan the coming year.